Street Style at Paris Fashion Week

By 10 Oct 2013 2 No tags Permalink 0

Street Style at Paris Fashion Week

I’ve always wanted to do a street style post, but as a young girl my parents do not feel it is “appropriate,” or “safe” to walk around asking strangers for the pictures. So, I have decided to use the pictures from this website to do a street style post. I hope you have a wonderful time reading this wonderful article, as least I hope it’s wonderful, I tried to make it wonderful. Wow, I just said wonderful like 4 times. Well anyway, I hope you enjoy!

This style seems very old England chic. Or at the shoes do, these black and white contrasting shoes are very French indeed. And the tucked in black and white shirt with the white blazer on the should seems very good in my opinion. The weird poof at the bottom of the end seems very Tavi Gevinson, and so do the huge beaded purse. Last but not least, the glasses make her seem like she’s too fashionable to have anyone below her sense of style look her in the eye. It may be the sun, but who knows, when you’re fashionable enough anything goes. Wow, did I seriously just rhyme that, posting at 10:00 must really make a tween nerdy.

I Look Very Scholarly

As you all know, all of my posts are now strictly fashion based. I may start another blog with all the random things I say, but probably not, this blog is still just getting off the ground, and I could never abandon it. So, let’s get on with the fashion. I realized I have never posted an OOTD on my blog, and to me that seems like a problem. So I spent all day digging through my closet trying to figure out the perfect outfit to showcase my wonderful ever changing sense of style. After many rejections I finally came across an outfit, not as crazy as Tavi Gevinson’s but still good all the same. I hope you enjoy.

As I had my latest mid morning fashion crisis, my other blue with sea foam green big polka dots, not going down far enough over my tights to look good, let alone stylish, I moved on to my next favorite sweater, a new one that’s white with a star on the bottom corner, and the fleece lined tights I got from a small shoe store. I realized this outfit looked very scholarly until I out on my black wedge sneakers from Target. While still a great outfit the styles seemed to be fighting, or at least not agreeing. Will I ever find MY STYLE? Probably not now, but eventually. I paired it off with a pink laptop necklace from H&M, and a one dollar flower ring from a small hair store in Philadelphia, where I vacationed this summer to visit family.



Tavi Gevinson Fashionspiration

So I have finally decided to dedicate my blog only to fashion. Tell me how it goes, but if you liked the other things on my blog, its probably best to leave know, go ahead, I won’t be offended. Oh, you’re still here, well good let’s talk fashion.

As you all know I am very young, too young to tell you my age, but old enough to type, read and write. So when I read about Tavi Gevinson I was VERY inspired. The journals absolutely killed me, her confidence was unbelievable, and the fact that she is “the future of journalism” at the age of 11 might as well have been the biggest inspiration of all.

Tavi started her first blog, strictly relating to fashion at the ripe age of 11, where she posted all the weird but slightly cool and understandable, crafty things she wore. While I will never have her sense of style there was a few items in her closet I envied. Here are some pictures:

What were you doing when you were eleven, it probably wasnt preparing to take over the fashion blogging world.

This outfit may make her look like in actor in some old movie but that’s just what I love about it. It’s so retro, I mean isn’t that what makes her so unique. This isn’t one of her craziest or even coolest outfits, but I thought I start you with something simple. The kind of pleated mini-skirt in the awkward shade of green. Wait can colors be awkard? Well this one is, paired with the oversized plaid shirt makes it seem like she took a shirt of her Dad’s and took her very own skirt to match, which she might have done.


This colorful winter outfit gives me shivers. Not the fact that she is wearing the black lipstick, which would look gothic on anyone else but what looks very dare I say stylish on Tavi, but the fact that Tavi could incorporate so many different styles into one outfit. She got a very Halloweenish look with the dramatic makup, and the witch on the sweater, but she also incorporated the style of oversized clothes to make her look very comfy with the sweater that covers her hand and most of her skirt. Speaking of the skirt, it reminds me of a middle school Valentine’s day dance where no one is brave enough to wear a dress, but nobody’s coming in pants. And did you see the small tear in the stockings, most people, including me would rather die than wear holy stockings, but on Tavi it almost seems normal…And lastly, the shoes, these are one of the oldest fashioned shoes I have seen, they remind me of the Colonial Days Fair we had to do at school, but they really do seem to hold this outfit together don’t they?

If you see any pictures that are yours you want taken down notify me via Contact Forms.
