• My Break from Blogging

    By 02 May 2015 0 No tags Permalink 0

    Hello.  As you can see from the title I am taking a break from blogging.  Mainly for 2 reasons, stress, and opportunity.

    Stress comes from trying to make my blog professional.  I wanted to post every 3-4 days, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but I had to draft, photograph, and promote everything in a few days.  I was also stressed with trying to improve my blog stats, and when that didn’t happen I was disappointed with myself and my blog for days on end.  I couldn’t help but read all these other blogs with oppurtunity upon oppurtunity.  Comparison is the thief of joy, but I couldn’t help but compare my blog to others.  After not posting for a week or two I really didn’t care much, and I wasn’t stressed.

    Oppurtunity has also left me to take a blogging break.  I rarely have the chance to take blog pictures, in fact it’s about 2 times a week at most, when the sun is actually shining.  I also have all these blog post ideas, but never had the clothes to do so.  This left me with almost no blog posts but OOTDs and not many opportunities to do posts.


    All in all, this has left me to take a break from blogging, at least for a little while.

  • Blog Studio Decor Ideas & Wishlist

    I wasn’t really sure what I was going to post today, (all my outfit pictures were scheduled for a rainy day), but I decided just to go for it!  As I’ve been getting into blogging more professionally I thought it would be nice to have an inspiring, dedicated place for blogging.  We currently have an empty guest room, so I thought I’d gather a bit of inspiration and ideas for the decorating I’ll be doing soon.  he room is really pretty bland, so there’s actually a lot I can do with everything.  The inspiration for my blogging studio and my bedroom sort of overlap, so you’ll see that, but it’s all good. Enjoy!


    ~Inspiration:  All images via Pinterest~

    ~Blog Studio~

    I know that there’s no clear theme between these images, but I think that it’s a mix of classy, and bright.  I really want to have my current blogging inspirations above my desks, and all the walls, like bloggers, and editorials.  But I don’t want everything to be super clean and polished, so that’s there’s no personality.  I want to have some of my favorite pieces on display, as well as some other statement pieces onn the walls.  I think in terms of colors I either want to have a ton of really bright colors, or a really pale pink, black, and white.  There’s also a few pieces I find very bohemian, and festival-inspired, so I definitely want to include those.  If you’re looking for a blogger to take a bit of inspiration from, Tolly Dolly Posh featured a blog studio tour on her blog, which is quite inspiring.

    ~The Wishlist~

    Room Wishlist

    I know I can’t buy all new furniture, considering the fact that it’s not my room, but I definitely think I could add a few small pieces.  I’ve been seeing display rails all over the internet, and I’ve finally found one that’s not too expensive.  I couldn’t include a picture here, as I was having technical problems, but bear with me.  This would be perfect if I wanted to display a few pieces of jewelry, and clothes in a blog post, but didn’t necessarily want to wear them.  It could also add a TON of color to the room depending on what I place on these.  I can’t decide if I want this in my room, or the studio though.

    For a sophisticated feature wall it’s almost necessary to have colorful picture frames and prints and posters.  I’ve picked out two of my favorites art prints here, some inspirational, and some just plain pretty.  I don’t just want to include pictures on the wall though, I also want wall hangings, and other decor.

    Lastly, some clever ways to spice up a desk.  I really do have a lot of jewelry to to display and store, so anything else I could use to do this is great.  My favorites are all the decorative, creative ones, they’re quite interesting.  There’s also just a few bits and bobs I thought looked pretty nice, especially for a blogging studio.

    What I Want:  Clothesline Photo Display (Aeropostale)//Dream Theory Art Print (Society 6)//Glacier Art Print (Society 6)//Candy Skull (Modcloth)//Pyramid Display Case (Urban Outfitters)//Chalkboard Memo Pad (H&M//Hanging Plant Pot (Urban Outfitters)//Mulig Valet Display Rail (not pictured) (Ikea)

     Well, that’s it for my blog studio decor post!  What did you think?  Do you like this style of posting?  What’s on your home decor wishlist?  Let me know in the comments.


  • What Does the “Posh” Trend Mean Now?

    Posh.  Elegant.  Luxurious.  Upscale.  Traditionally posh is high class, lavish style; perfectly polished.  But with the rise of young models and fashion icons like Cara Delevigne and Suki Waterhouse comes a new type of posh.


    A few months ago, being “hipster” was everything, it was the new posh.  Following the mainstream trends was bad, and rebelling against it was good.  But soon afterwards, everyone wanted to be “hipster,” and this sense of style quickly became a mainstream trend.  It received lots of backlash in the media, and slowly slunk away.

    Without any leading trends in the fashion world, there was room for almost everything.  Specifically, the low-maintenance, simplistic, indigenous styles of fashion’s newest top models.  Even Chanel and Burberry loved this style, as soon after it became popular this style was seen of the runways Spring/Summer ’15 shows.


    In the past models were supposed to be especially well put together, rich, elegant.  But now I cannot say the same.  Delevigne is known as an urban Brit, friends with the best of celebrities.  Waterhouse has similar friends, as she enjoys the companionship of film producers and studio executives alike.  Others like Hannah Weiland are creating their own brand, perhaps named after a small crustacean.  Despite this, the young models who started these trends seem surprisingly relate-able, with their natural and intuitive sense of humor.

    I do have to say that this style is quite fun, and appealing, especially for me.  Despite the fact that the trend is supposed to seem so _______, I cannot help but feeling it is perfectly refined.  This new-found style is easy, and pretty, and classy in its own way.  While I’m not sure I’m ready to sport, kilts and parkas, I can say that there are elements for everyone, from tomboy trousers to mini dresses.

    How to Embrace the “Posh” Style

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    Collage 3

    What’s next in the world of “posh?”  How do you feel about the current “posh” trend?  Tell me what you think in the comments below?

    Don’t forget to sign up for my monthly newsletter.

  • XO Style Stalker 2.0

    XO Style Stalker 2.0

    Well…  This is awkward.  Yes, it as been exactly 2 weeks since I last posted.  But let me explain.


    It has been quite a long time since my last post, an old OOTD I wrote months before.  It was yet another outfit post I wrote, and it was boring.  Maybe not to you, but to me.  I never only wanted to do outfit posts, in fact I didn’t even consider them when I first started.  But eventually I jumped on the bandwagon; they were easy, they were pretty, and they were popular.


    But they were stressful.  I couldn’t think of anything else to write, and at times I couldn’t think of anything to wear.  So instead of writing really bad and boring posts, I just stopped.  Usually after a few weeks I posted a couple of times and stopped again.  I didn’t want to, but I wasn’t inspired.

    So during my 2 week hiatus, I focused a lot of my time and energy on becoming inspired.  I’ve actually decided to keep a little blogging notebook or two with post ideas, and inspiration, so all is going well.  I’ve even decided to post more often.


    In fact, I have decided upon a more regular posting schedule and style.  Hopefully I will be posting at least 3 times a week, 1 post on Sunday, 1 post on Wednesday, and 1 post on Friday.  There will be an OOTD every two weeks, unless I’m feeling particularly happy, and the outfits are worth sharing.  The rest is a surprise!

    Maybe this explains a lot, and maybe it doesn’t but I do hope you like this new-found structure.  I do.

  • Blogging Over the Holidays

    Blogging Over the Holidays

    Holidays are my favorite time of the year, and despite how much I love blogging, I just can’t say that’s what I want to be doing over the holiday break.  I’m assuming that’s the same for you, so  I though it’d be a helpful post to talk about how to keep blogging over the holidays.

    • Schedule Posts.  It’s great because you can schedule Tweets to automatically show up, almost effortlessly promoting posts.  I recommend working a little bit every day on the posts you schedule, and keeping them short and sweet.
    • Blog on the Go.  Plane rides, bus trips, whatever.  If you draft the posts out while you’ve got the free time, then post when you get some source of free WiFi, everything should be dandy.  Just make sure you’re not annoying everyone asking if you can stop at Starbucks to upload something.
    • Keep it Simple.  If writing 2 posts in the same amount of time as you’d usually write 1 sounds like a daunting task, blogging short, simple posts over break can be an easy way to keep your blog updated, without stressing about the little details. Keep It Simple
    • Guest Posts.  I don’t generally do this, but some bloggers like to ask for guest bloggers to sort of “take the reins” on their blog for a set amount of time.  You’ll probably want to have them submit the posts, so you can approve them before they’re published, but your readers get a new point of view, and new content, while you get a fun holiday off.
    • Photo Diaries.  If you’re going on a gorgeous vacation, lots of people love travel guides and photo diaries for vacation spots.  You’ll likely already have photos, and blogging on the go is a fun time-passer. Travel Guides
    • Just Don’t.  It’s a last resort, but don’t keep your blog up over the holiday break.  Chances are many people aren’t checking your blog daily for content during this time, as it’s expected you won’t be actively blogging.  Besides, it your blog, and if you’re doing this for yourself, taking some much needed time off shouldn’t hurt you.

    Take advantage of the holiday season too.  I don’t recommend bugging someone every five minutes, but if you’re with family and the sun’s up, ask if someone will take your outfit photo.  Vacations are great, easy sources/inspiration for posts, especially if you’re a lifestyle blogger.  Plus, I’m always looking for a little bit of left over holiday cheer that dreadful Monday I go back to school.

    Hopefully that was enough options for you to keep blogging over the holidays.  If one isn’t the perfect solution, maybe combine 2 or even 3.  Have a happy holidays, I’m off to schedule posts.

  • A Fail Proof Guide to Holiday Gifts

    Because I absolutely love reading holiday gift guides, both for myself, and others, I decided this year would be a perfect time to make one.  It’s really helpful for both sides of the story; maybe you’re stuck for what to put on your wish-list, or have no clue what to get someone else.  It sounds really cheesy, especially because of the title, but I’ve found them quite interesting, and I hope you do too.

    And finally!  I spent hours painfully cutting out paper snowflakes, decoration mini trees, writing letters to “Santa” with my little sisters, and decorating a window cling tree.  No holiday season on this blog, (from now on), will ever be complete without a guide to holiday gifts featuring the prettiest, and most amazing things you’ll ever see.  Most all of these gifts are a reasonable price, under $50, so you might want to snatch up a second one for yourself.  Shop each item by clicking on the pictures below.

    For the Home


    I love home decor.  My room is a hodge-podge of DIY decor, “borrowed” decorations, what’s left from my interior decorator, and trinkets from vacation.  All these picks are either pretty and “blogger-like,” quirky and “me-like,” or futuristic, and modern.  Besides that there’s also a range of prices, but I tried not to go too high, as to follow my own rules, and my own budget.  I adore… Guess…  Well if you guessed the owl rug, and fish figurine, then you are correct and you win…  BROWNIE POINTS, everybody’s dream!!!

    For Her

    Finally, my specialty.  There’s obviously quite a range of prices, in case you’re just looking for a stocking stuffer, but there’s also some pretty big buys in case you want to get something for that “special someone.”  Just in case you can’t tell, that Zara bag is fluffy, which is apparently not just a trend for sweaters, but also for clutches this year.  I think there’s something for everyone, but I might have been leaning towards more girl-y pieces, since that’s just me.  Hopefully, either way, you get something out of it.  I mean, I did open about 20 tabs to link/find everything for you. (I realize the skirt has no label, I noticed after I made this collage, so hover over it to buy, and see the price).

    For the Blogger

    It’s hard to know what blogger’s want when you’re not an insider.  And sure, you could dish out $500 and buy them a DSLR camera.  They’d absolutely love it.  But there are other things bloggers could always use, both as inspiration, and for organization.  Journals, and planners help keep posts organized in a color-coded (if you buy the pens), tangible way.  They’re a big help, and I absolutely recommend them. Big umbrella-like studio lights are a big pain in the butt, and wallet, but there are white light bulbs that create a similar effect.  And despite their high price, I kinda-sorta want a FiloFax for how much you can customize it, and how pretty they can look.  I’d actually write all my homework and blog posts down in this.

    And, I am always looking for a new way to organize my “office.”  With magazines, planners, pens, and notebooks all strewn across the hunk of wood some bloggers call home, it’s hard for that desk to even see the light of day.  But magazine racks, calendars, pencil cups, and small odds and ends can really make a difference in how any desk looks.

      for the cook

    I do cook, just so you know.  I am not inexperienced, just because I am young.  I know for a fact, for the baker, you can never have too many cookie cutters in cute shapes.  Aprons are a must-have, but not everyone wants to wear someone else’s “Best Dad,” or “Best Cook,” apron.  Most likely, in this digital age, this person who loves to cook documents their cooking craftiness through some sort of a food blog, whether on Pinterest, or otherwise, so cute bowls, cutting boards, jars, they’re delightful for photography.  And soap.  Yes, soap.  This is a wonderful addition to any kitchen as somehow the soap always seems to run out when I need it most.

    Hopefully I covered everyone.  There’s a lot in here, and this whole thing took multiple days and lots of tab switching, and price checking.  If you’d like a gift guide for any other type of person, just let me know, they’re actually quite fun.  Hopefully they’ll be a 2 fashion DIY posts soon, a festive food/drink post, and 1 or 2 holiday decor posts up next week.  I’ve found for natural light, there’s none when I get home from school, so I have to take pictures during the weekend.


  • The “Wonderful” Winter Wardrobe

    By 28 Nov 2014 0 No tags Permalink 0

    Fall and winter were always my least favorite seasons.  Fall is okay actually, I love the light coats, and boots.  But I find the whole “fashion blogger Sweater Weather OOTD” to be very boring.  It is the same mustard yellow/grey sweater, with skinny jeans, some variation of boots, and a rose gold watch.  EVERY SINGLE TIME!

    Winter is almost never very colorful, or bright, or fun.  It’s never the fluffy or retro season that summer is.  But your winter wardrobe doesn’t have to be boring.  For a while I was quite sad about how boring A/W clothes were, but I’ve found a few solutions.


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    I can’t say I’ll never conform to the fashion blogger fall wardrobe.  But sometimes, and just sometimes, I’ll be rebellious and wear outrageous things only someone of my age could get away with.  My favorite trend this season, AKA the only one I know/care about, is fluffy sweaters.  But if you prefer not to don a monster’s friend, any sort of texture should brighten up your wardrobe.  I have flannel shirts, a fluffy sweater, this iridescent sequin sweater, and even leather.

    Statement Necklaces

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    I do have to say that I love weird things.  Statement necklaces like these are so very quirky and fun.  They’re exactly what I should think of when I hear TopShop.  Anything bright, colorful, or just odd is just perfect  to make all those plain white sweaters look not so “blogger-y.”  They’re even better with matching crowns, and things.  Yes…  It gets better.

    Hair Accessories

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    Things like this can be DIY-ed, as  I’ve made both scrunchies and flower crowns on my own.  That’s what makes them so perfect to brighten up outfits.  Since they’re completely customizable, no one else will have anything like it, so there’s no way it’ll look like a blogger uniform.  But if  you like a more classy look, that’s still not boring, ASOS has plenty of headbands, veils, and the works.  I bought that pink one because it reminds me of the Tavi Gevinson bow at fashion week, and because it’s perfect for my pastel obsession.


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    For me, bracelets and sweaters don’t go well.  So in the winter, what keeps my arms looking stylish I have to don rings upon my fingers.  My favorites are big, clunky, and stack-able, so they definitely make my winter wardrobe less bland.  Rings can also come in a variety of prices, but honestly, I’d rather buy multiple inexpensive rings, than a couple high-quality pieces.



  • What’s Up ASOS? Technical Glitch. TISK TISK!

    I would have liked to have an OOTD up, but because ASOS is having a technical glitch with my gift voucher, I can’t buy my darn clothes.  Yeah, I’m angry, first time I’ve ever said anything slightly bad on this here very blog.  And it’s really a tragedy because I was just about to buy, wait a minute….  ASOS is no longer an open tab anymore because we’re not besties until I get my stuff.  It will now be officially on or before November 15 before I get anything, unless they magically fix it tonight.  Knowing the shipping here in my area, it will probably be 4:57 that day.  Great!

    Why won’t they either just refund my dad’s money, or give me a new voucher for the same price for free?  I know business doesn’t work that way, but we had a great relationship going… It was love at first site.  Get it?!?!  Even when I’m bad, I’m good.  Oh gosh, forget it.

    I am going to personally blame them for when Sully and I aren’t besties because I don’t have my fluffy purple sweater.  It’s been in my cart on and off as they take it out every 60 minutes, since Sunday.  Maybe even before that.  Now it’s out of stock.  And gosh darn it, the bomber jackets I want are low in stock.  Along with the midi skirt I want.

    ASOS…  I think this may be the end of a beautiful friendship for a while, (I’m so upset I won’t even link to you until this matter is resolved, and if it’s not by the end of next week, then fine, FOREVER 21 LOVES ME)!  And dad, next time, just put in your PayPal.  We’re best of pals now.  I think I become a lot more of a  fantastically, sarcastically, dry person when I’m mad.

    P.S.  I think they should give me another voucher for my patience.

  • The Fight for Feminism

    I have lots of stuff floating in my head about feminism, but nothing sounds good on the nifty, new-fangled paper AKA laptop screens, so I’m taking this article from a school assignment.

    We had to pretend to be winning Time Magazine’s Person of the Year (POY) award, after being inspired by a humanitarian ( to do pretty much the same thing, but you know, that’s what they told us to do).  Somehow I managed to convince my ELA teacher Tavi Gevinson was a really great choice, but she is right?  Feminism and all that…

    The Fight for Feminism: [Clever Title I have Yet to Figure Out]

    According to The Independent, in the United Kingdom, women earn 15% less money than men, doing the exact same jobs.  1.2 million children are sold as slaves each year.  80% of these children are girls.   In 10 countries around the world, women are forced to obey their husband, and anything they say.  The shocking truth is, in society, women are less respected, less important, and forced to be less independent than men.  But it’s not totally a lost cause.  Feminists like Nyah Marie have taken the world by storm in their dedication to get equal rights for both genders.  It is for this reason that Nyah Marie has been selected as Person of the Year.

    Nyah, like many other feminists has managed to travel around the world giving empowering and inspiring talks.  She has created an online magazine for young girls all over the world to learn about feminism, to help them “discover their true identity,” and to empower them, so that they can become strong leaders later in life.  She had written articles upon articles about important issues for girls at an early age.  According to Nyah, “If teens are exposed to issues before their peers they can form valid, informed ideas and opinions that are not tainted by the views of others.”

    Such wisdom is unexpected for someone who hasn’t been on earth longer than twenty years.  Nyah Marie, currently known a job as an editor, a spokesperson, and a role model for girls everywhere is only seventeen.

    It’s not too surprising that she already knows so much for her age.  Nyah grew up in a city full of many different opinions, and cultures.  This colorful, and creative city is known as none other than New York City.  She lived in an apartment with her eminent artistic mother,  and her dad, an art museum curator.  While attending an exclusive private school in New York City, her mother sent her an email with a link to photographs of handmade paper magazines all about women’s rights.  After carefully reading everything, and then rereading to make sure she got the point, Nyah sheepishly admits she was a bit confused about what feminism really was, and what it was trying to accomplish.  So she spoke to the other girls in her class, asked them what they thought about feminism, and other major issues like depression.  To Nyah’s surprise, they either didn’t care, or they didn’t want to.  “They were all happy cheerleaders, they didn’t want to be different, they didn’t want to be creative, and they didn’t want to weighed down with sad thoughts, and rebellious causes.  I was going crazy not being able to say something, not being able to make any difference in the world.  So I asked my mom to help me put together a blog where essentially I went on and on about world hunger, oppressive leaders, but most importantly, feminism,” Nyah states.  Eventually that blog became a little more well known than  she had originally planned.  She was featured on talk shows, interviewed, was even asked to be the face of a company, which she immediately turned down, for unknown reasons.

    One might think that all this power has gone to her head.  But Nyah remains humble, both as a person, and as an emerging world leader.  She prefers we not refer to her as an idol, or a legacy.  In fact, she thinks of herself as a normal person who got lucky doing what she loved, and talking about what she believed in.  While she knows that girls look up to her, she uses that to support her cause even further.  She tells girls that they can make a difference, that it is possible for them to influence society.  That slowly, their world is changing.

    Though not as much as she would like it to.   Nyah truly doesn’t understand why anyone would be against feminism.  After reading many comments, and articles, she was able to draw the conclusion, that people think it’s an angry cause.  That feminism is only for women.  That feminism is trying to raise the power women have, and lower men’s.  But truly, feminism is only asking for equal rights, equal respect, and equal power for both genders.

    That is one of the reasons Nyah eventually grew her small blog into the magazine it now is.  She believed being a teenager, and being a feminist were closely related.  To Nyah, feminism had no rules.  Sure there are some basic principles, but everyone is really trying to figure it out.  And that’s exactly how a teenager lives their life, trying to figure everything out.  So the association was almost natural, as was blogging to her 1,000s of followers that she wanted to start a magazine, and asking them to submit their work to be on the staff.  She got an enormous amount of replies, to which she was able to narrow down to a select few.  All of those girls had a different opinion on what feminism was, and to Nyah, getting in a fiery hot debate was quite fun.

    To Nyah, feminism means fighting.  Fighting for equal rights, for ideas to stop oppressing girls.  Specifically in pop culture, these films, songs, bands, and idols, quite often display “strong” women as characters with no flaws, that.  But in fact, these don’t exist, so it is quite impossible for anyone to be this way, yet we still somewhat expect women to be that simple and easy to understand.  But what is even worse is when pop culture portrays girls, especially teens, as one thing or the other.  You can’t be smart, and pretty, you can’t even care about how you look without caring about what boys think.

    That is everything the magazine rebels against.  Quite a lot actually.  The whole theme of the website is to empower, inspire, and expose teens to good role models, that have flaws, that are controversial to society’s ideas of strong female characters.  A particular person of interest is the young adult, Tavi Gevinson, who Nyah was strongly inspired by.  Tavi, very similarly to Nyah, had a blog, but mostly about lighter topics like what clothes she was interested in, and what designers she liked.  Eventually she grew this blog into a large website about some of the same things, style, technology, music, basically a collection of all the different aesthetics Tavi was interested in.  “I heard about her blog shortly after I began mine, although she had given that up after she lost interest in fashion.  It was Tavi who first exposed me to feminism.  Tavi who first led to me take a stand.  It was all Tavi, and that’s who we should be giving credit to,” she says.

    Who is this girl? Person of the Year, a feminist, a leader, a  natural born legacy, despite how much she despises when we call her that.  She is a seventeen year old girl who loves Lisa Frank glitter stickers, brooches, and aesthetically cataloging little corners of her room.  She is the girl in the corner of the room building an empire, and making shrines for her favorite people and places.  She is a normal teenager, who just so happens not to have a normal amount of wisdom for her age.  She is someone everyone wishes they were as cool as in high school.




  • Fall on Autumn | Morning Coffee Reading List

    While I would love to tell you I am able to sip hot beverages, (not coffee obviously, being 12 and it smelling terrible,) every morning while perusing through the bookmarks of an iPad whole eating scrambled eggs, a banana, and toast, it just doesn’t happen.  More often than not I am rushing through the eating of some unhealthy chocolate cereal, and stuffing papers in folders, (and you know, I don’t have an iPad, but that’d be great *wink wink*).

    But you know, the perfect way to get up in fall morning is to get your daily dose of inspiration (literally the most cliché thing ever) while enjoying your piping hot gourmet pancakes and pumpkin spice hot chocolate?!?!

    (In no particular order… All photos from the blogger’s blog, obviously).

    I Want You to Know

     I Want You to Know

    While I just discovered I Want You to Know last week, I am one of those people who stops on good blogs and obsessively reads the archives, because well, that’s just me.  IWYTK features eccentric London styles with lots of personality and amazing photography.  I don’t usually layer this much for school, but it is lovely to see all her collars, coats, tights, and jackets.  If only…


    Wish Wish Wish

    Any blogger who knows anybody has probably already heard of Carrie’s Wish Wish Wish.  While her blog theme is what caught my eye, (it’s pretty much the prettiest thing you’ll ever see) her style and writing made me stick around.  Another blogger with a DSLR, her lovely camera seems to capture all the pretty little things Carrie seems to wear.  A little bit more classy than IWYTK, Wish Wish Wish features many unique outfits, dainty products, artistic drawings, and drool-worthy vacation pictures.

    Tolly Dolly Posh Fashion

    The only professional fashion blogger I follow even close to my age is an utter inspiration.  From inspiring me to take my blog seriously, to buying a tripod, to creating a scrapbook made of magazines, this 14 year old UK fashion blogger is one of my favorites.  She’s a super nice person, responding to some “Blogger to Blogger” questions I had within 2 days, and making sure to respond to all her quality comments on recent posts.  Plus I really love to see all the clothes she designs, which look absolutely amazing.  I can tell that this blogger has quite a lot in store for her.  Friends?  Hehe…


    Fashion Obscura

    Far from my age, and far from my sense of style, this doesn’t seem like the type of blog I’d be reading.  But I admire her quirkiness, and her super-galactic futuristic, that’s also quite retro clothing.  Maddy has made me quite interested in fluffy clothes, and Skinny Dip London, my two major obsessions right now besides ASOS.  I am always thinking of her fluffy monster purse, bejeweled clear purse, and the hound’s-tooth jacket.  Like constantly.

    Rose and Vintage


    Rose and Vintage

    I’ve been obsessed with vintage and retro clothes since the very beginning of my blogging.  Only recently have I found vintage clothing styled well by a teenager in the modern world.  Once again I love all the quirky pieces, but in a different way.  They’re my kind of unique.  The ones you have to be interested in looking for, pins, collars, frilly socks, and cat-eye glasses.  Despite the fact that I will probably never buy something from Beyond Retro, it’s nice to know someone else is living out my dream.


    Kayla Hadlington

    I will never step foot in a charity shop and find anything worth buying.  Ever.  But I love her very retro Los Angeles vibes, and how she manages to find all these things that look quite inexpensive for a very low cost.  I check to see if there’s a new post everyday on all these blogs, but especially Kayla’s because she posts very frequently, and has a very funny writing voice.  She also reminds me of that cool, moody, free spirited popular older sister, that didn’t care to try to be popular,  or care at all about what people thought of her.

    What’s on your morning reading list?