• Why Not Drive a Pale Pastel Buggy?

    I don’t know why everyone wants to live in million dollar houses (though that would be nice) when they can hide in their room and take Polaroids.  Lopsided ones that everyone thinks has a secret meaning (yah, old film, and not knowing which button to press).  Why don’t they want to live in quiet tacky towns?  Why don’t they want to live in retro clothes, while saving coins in mason jars, and driving pale pastel buggies.  For whatever reason, that gives off the impression of being poor to everyone else, but ridiculously cool to me.

    I don’t know what my world could be called.  Or be described as.  But I think f you drew if there’d be lots of signs where letters stopped glowing, and flickering street lights, and squeaky record players.  So pretty much a creepy little ghost town, but better.  In some ways I think I’d want everyone to live in it, but they’d destroy it with their stupid songs and dances, and where would I be then?  So I will share it with this audience and hope you don’t pollute it with your modern thoughts and such.

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    I’ve always loved this kind of stuff, but I never really knew how to embrace it.  I was too busy trying to fit in (which I never did) to try.  But then I started putting fake flowers in empty glass soda bottles, and I loved it to pieces (literally, the bottle broke).  So when I was using Tumblr again all that retro stuff really stuck out and I started to fall in love all over again.  So UP! inspired adventure jars, and peeling paint on apartments with windows full of flowers, and tacky Californian palm trees in sunsets all started to look really great to me.

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    But while all that stuff is great, I do think retro clothes are definitely something special.  They’re completely different than how I usually dress, and I have yet to buy many retro things.  But they are just so cool, in ways that cannot be explained.  Like the wide legged printed pants I am wearing today as my interpretation of all this retro grooviness (I think I am getting into this WAY TOO MUCH).

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    I think I would love how everything looked in my little town, but it would all feel creepy.  Because everyone would go around in these diners on roller skates eating ice cream and things like that, but I have a feeling the town would be like Once Upon a Time, where everyone does the same thing everyday.  And there would be these flickering lights, and run down motels, and there’s not a lot of places like that in the world anymore, so it would be a ghost town, and there’s just an underlying sense of doom in my dream town, which sort of scares me.


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    I really can’t imagine why I’d leave behind TV shows, and cell phones, and the internet (meaning my blog) for tackiness and bubble-gum colored houses and pastel kitchens and restaurants.  But somehow I find it more fun to look at all these old things on the internet, then go and live life outside in my neighborhood.  And it is funny because when school starts again I say that social studies is my least favorite subject, and I would rather learn about things happening today.

    Then again, I really don’t like watching the news, because of all that murder and accidental shootings and things, so I don’t really want to learn about now either.  Maybe when my teacher comes to school blowing bubblegum with high waisted neon skirts and dramatic eyeliner I will be more excited to learn about the things she has to say.  Or maybe I will be more excited about the things I can write about and doodle about during class when I get bored of Ancient China and coordinate planes and other nonsense like that.

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    And though this probably makes no sense to some people all these pictures, and colors, and objects seem to fit together in the catalogs of my mind.  It all makes sense to me (though that is what crazy people say).

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    Chanel and Prada

    chanel-spring-2014-couture-runway-19_205707243154 chanel-spring-2014-couture-runway-21_205709261013 chanel-spring-2014-couture-runway-26_205713370637 chanel-spring-2014-couture-runway-27_205713471897 chanel-spring-2014-couture-runway-56_205736759130 prada-rtw-spring2012-runway-005_15561425038 prada-rtw-spring2012-runway-007_155615430782 prada-rtw-spring2012-runway-008_155616784653 prada-rtw-spring2012-runway-021_155625146831 prada-rtw-spring2012-runway-023_155627553150
    All runway photos are from Vogue.com and all the others are from Tumblr, if you would like a direct link to any photo or one taken down, contact me.


  • Salted Caramel Gelato & Majestic Owls

    I had to get all fancy this weekend.  My dad won some really big national award, so I wore a dress and painted my nails and everything.  With fancy clothes and fancy shoes comes fancy hair.

    Fancy hair gets a lot of compliments.  Vintage hair gets a lot of compliments.  Complicated braids get a lot of compliments.  When you put all that fancy complicated nostalgia together you get a lot more compliments than usual.  So much you start making automated responses and your eyes glaze over.

    It looked like that. (via)

    untitled (21)

    I enjoyed some fancy desserts at Standard Market.  Namely salted caramel gelato that tasted like summer and happiness.  But I couldn’t resist embracing my inner baker and taking pictures of this cake.



    Plus I adored the way these fake flowers looked in the  empty vase next to that majestic owl statue so I stuck them there and took pictures like I was some fancy photographer.  You know you do it too.


    I enjoyed smelling like cucumbers.


    I got frustrated trying to find something to wear and ripped all my dresses out of my closet.



  • Summer Night In: Create, Read, Apply, and Wear


    I was reading one of my favorite blogs and I saw a post that was really cool and fun to read as a viewer and a blogger.  It seemed like a lot of fun, but finding the time to do it was very hard.  I know it’s summer and I should have all the time in the world, but I just don’t.  Anyway, the post was a “Girls’/Summer Night In,”  which could easily be a tag, as it’s very fun to do and customize.  So I present to you…  My summer night in!


    To Wear: PJ Top (Forever 21 Girls)//PJ Bottoms (xhilaration)

  • Knowing These 5 Secrets Will Make Painting Your Nails Super Easy

    I am forever dreading the night before or morning of fancy events.  Not because I don’t like them, I mean who doesn’t like dressing up?!?!  No, I dread painting my nails.  The frustration it causes me is not worth the few days of color on my hands and feet, because truth be told, I don’t even look at it.  But there are ways to avoid some of the agony nail art causes you…

    Tip #1: Brightening the Color

    We’ve all had those times when the color of the nail polish bottle is so very pretty.  But once it actually hits your nail the color is dull and boring.  Say no more, I’ve got a trick for you!

    It’s actually really easy to make your nail color pop, or even a tad bit lighter.  All it takes is one extra step. 

    1. Apply your base coat
    2. Paint your nails completely white
    3. Apply your nail color
    4. Apply your top coat


    Secret #2: Drying them Faster

    I really hate waiting for my nails to dry.  Face it, we’ve all got better things to do.  If you’re tired of waiting around try this technique.

    1. Apply the base coat
    2. Apply the nail color
    3. Apply the top coat
    4. Soak your hands in ice water


    Secret #3: Getting Off Tough-to-Remove-Polish

    We all know glitter nail polish is especially hard to get off.  With this secret, it’s no longer a problem.

    1. Soak a cotton pad/ball in nail polish remover
    2. Place it on your nail
    3. Wrap your nail and the cotton ball/pad with tinfoil
    4. Apply pressure to secure the tinfoil and cotton ball
    5. After about 5 minutes slide off the tinfoil and cotton ball/pad at the same time
    6. Voila!  Your glitter polish is gone

    1 (2)

    Secret #4: Avoiding the Caps Drying Shut

    It’s a tragedy when your favorite nail polish is impossible to open.  After you’ve asked the strongest people you know, proceed to this simple step.

    1. Take a cotton swab and dip it in petroleum jelly (Vaseline)
    2. Wipe a small amount along the top of the jar
    3. You’re Done!


    Secret #5: DIY Matte Topcoat

    I’ve been seeing matte nail art all over the internet now.  If you’re wondering how they did it, and don’t want to spend tons of money on this trend, try this!

    1. Pour a bit of clear topcoat into a bowl or on a plate
    2. Add a small amount of corn starch to it
    3. Mix these together
    4. Paint your nails as regular
    5. Paint this DIY topcoat over your nails
    6. Let dry, and enjoy your matte finish nails


    Which secret are you looking forward to trying?  Which have you already tried?  Do YOU have any more nail secrets?  Honestly I’d love to hear them.  I’m always looking forward to making this ”chore” easier.

    -XO Style Stalker

  • Nail Art: Glitter. Glitter. And Even More Glitter.

    Chere Readers,

    I really didn’t feel like painting my fingers again from last week. I was just too lazy to get the nail polish remover and wipe off the excess polish.  But I’m quite good at painting my toes.  They’re really easy and fast, and I enjoyed part of a nice movie while painting my nails before moving on to my homework:( So here goes nothing:



    I used a glittery dark blue nail polish on all my nails. Except, instead of those polishes you put on top of another color, it was an actual nail polish to cover your whole nail, except it’s still glittery.  But on my big toe I used one of the top coat glitters in an orange tone, over the dark blue, a lot, so it’s almost covered.

    Au Revoir,

    Style Stalker

  • Nail Art

    Chere Readers,

    I do not do my nails often. I am one of those people who finds painting their right hand very frustrating and annoying.  But today I took the time to paint them, and quite creatively for my patience level, I  do say so myself.  Probably only because I was procrastinating the homework I had to do.


    If you always seem to find a way to paint everything except your nail wait 30 minutes for your nails to dry.  Then grab a Q-Tip and dip it in some nail polish remover (don’t soak it).  Lastly, gently rub off any excess nail polish on your cuticles and skin.


    I painted 4 of my nails a pinkish purple, while the middle finger was painted gold.  The finger left of my middle finger (on my right hand it’s the finger to the right) I painted the pinkish purple color, and added silver sparkle polish on top.  I know, I know! You never mix gold and silver, but we can make an exception in this case can’t we?

    Au Revoir,

    Style Stalker

  • My New Nerd Glasses

    Chere Readers,
    Yesterday I happened to take my annual eye exam at Lens Crafters. Although the tests are fairly easy with my glasses, I am blind without them. So when they made me take my glasses off I had to say I couldn’t read any of the letters. But my lucky duck sister has 20-20 vision. The only one in my family without glasses. But she WANTS THEM! So anyway something good came out of this. I got a brand new pair of Ray Ban nerdy glasses.  I am borderline adult size.  When  I told my Dad he said I have a big head.  But that only means classier glasses for moi.  Enjoy these pictures of my new glasses!




    Those sparkly rectangles are the boxes to my mom’s Christmas present!




    This is the brand new case I got for my glasses.

    Au Revoir,

    Style Stalker

  • Orchid is the Declared the Color of the Season

    Tres Chere Readers,

    I am so happy orchid has been declared the color of the season. It’s my absolute favorite color. And I can’t believe I get to do a whole post about purple, and fashion Total win-win.

    Courtesy of http://patternscolorsdesign.wordpress.com/2013/12/05/pantone-color-of-the-year-2014-radiant-orchid-pantone-18-3224/


    When I think of purple I think of luxurious queens and princesses and king’s robes. I think of royalty basically. Or dazzling gems on a crown. So why not call this the color of the season. Everyone wants to be treated like royalty. In the past, deep purples were only worn by a few upper class people. But this winter, purple ill be available to everyone. As is always should have been. Last year, emerald was decided the color f the year. I also think of royalty when I hear this. But not as much as purple. Emerald seems more like ocean princes, Ariel kind of royalty, not Italian princess.

    What it Symbolizes

    Emerald stood for growth, renewal, and prosperity. Which is pretty much just the same words, with a little tweak or two . This year, orchid stand for creativity, originality, and innovation. My type of color. I love to be creative. I write, I draw, I paint, I blog, I sew, I journal, I love any sort of thing where you can be creative really. Art is my passion. And fashion falls under that broad topic.


    Radiant Orchid has pink undertones that give you a healthy glow. This caught the attention of many viewers or Spring 2014 views. Thanks to this, many celebrities our showing off the purple beauty products.

    Courtesy of http://www.becomegorgeous.com/fashion-style/photos/color-of-the-year-2014

    On the Runway

    Many designers have ventured upon their usual colors for the dazzling orchid this year. Jackie Fraser-Swan, Juicy Couture, and Yoana Baraschi are all some of these daring people. The have incorporated many shades of purple, primarily orchid into their spring collections. Other will continue this trend by designing various handbags and accessories in this hue.

    Courtesy of http://www.justforluggage.com/Juicy-Couture-Velour-Ms-Daydreamer-Dark-Orchid-Juicy-Couture-Designer-Handbags_i55198

    Winter is Coming to an End… At Least for Designers

    While we’re still stuck on our Christmas carols, and ornaments, and baubles designer is London showcased their spring designs. Guess what color it was in? If you guessed orchid, give yourself a pat on the back. I have taught you well. Spring has already entered the minds of many designers. They are thinking Easter flowers, and usually the eggs are oink. But maybe this year we’ll see some more purple eggs.

    Courtesy of http://www.fashionisers.com/trends/spring-summer-2014-color-trends/


    Orchid is no new color. Even royalty in Victorian times liked this deep romantic color. And Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge liked this color too. She wore it for her family picture with Prince William this August. Carrie Underwood even wore it to the Emmy’s in September. And Jennifer Garner wore it on the red carpet gorgeously at the much anticipated( by many others) Oscars.

    Courtesy of http://tlc.howstuffworks.com/style/2013-primetime-emmy-award-red-carpet-pictures.htm


    Au Revoir,

    Style Stalker

  • How Green is Your Closet? Your Vanity? Jeans and Makeup Pollutes our Earth!

    Dear Readers,

    Jeans are harming the environment everyday.  Yes!  Your favorite go to pants are actually criminals.  It takes about 1,500 gallons of water to make one good quality pair of jeans.  How many do you own?  Do the math.  You are most likely using over 4,500 gallons of water to LOOK GOOD!  How evil does that sound?  So next time you see a pair of jeans you want, think.  Do you really need that?  Companies are in the process of making jeans using less water.  Support those companies.  Don’t go out and buy those jeans that are harming the environment.  Do your part to save the earth and cut back on jean shopping.


    And don’t stop there.  Beauty products are a big factor in water pollution.  In fact, a huge collection of beauty care products are dumped into waterways every year.  Are you throwing out your makeup and such?  Well, when you do, you do your part to pollute our water.  And when you dump your beauty care products into the ocean you are affecting the animals reproduced. Have you seen the frogs without toes, or legs.  What about extra ones?  You could be the cause of this!

    The Huffington Post

    Au Revoir,

    Style Stalker

  • Domino Nail Art Tutorial

    This is an easy tutorial for domino nail art.
    Black Nail Polish
    White Nail Polish
    Base Coat
    Nail Striping Masking Tape (can be found at Sally’s for $3.49)


    Sidenote:  If you want some nails to be black with white dots, and some white with black this may vary.

    1. Make sure your nails are dry, clean, filed, and shaped the way you’d like.  Apply the base coat to your nail.  Wait 5 minutes for it to dry.
    2. Paint your nails completely black, or completely white.  Apply two coats of the same color.


    3. Waits for your nails to dry completely.  This should take about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the thickness of your coats.  If not completely dry when you take off the tape it will peel off the polish.
    4. Apply the masking tape in the middle of your nail horizontally (across, side to side).  It doesn’t have to be exactly perfect.
    5. Paint a line straight across the tape in the opposite color of the existing nail color.  The polish should be on the tape a little bit.


    6. After you have done all the nails with the stripe take the tape off slowly.  This will give you a clean, clear, edge.
    7. Now take your toothpick and stick it in the very end of the color of your stripe.  Look at the picture below.


    8. You will want to place your dots according to the picture above, it will have many different possible combinations.  Just dot the nails by using the polish covered tip of your toothpick.
    9. After doing this to all your nails, (they can have different arrangements and numbers).  You can also alternate dot and base colors.  Wait for this to dry, it should take about 5-10 minutes.  This ensures the dots and line won’t smudge when apply the topcoat. You wouldn’t want all the precise work to to to waste now would you?
    10. Apply the topcoat like you did base.
    Wait about five minutes for this to dry.  You are now done.  Enjoy your nails.

    Here are some fun variations using the techniques taught:
