A Swatch of This, A Swatch of That

Dear Readers,

Watches are annoying.  I hate the way they feel on my arm.  They’re different than bracelets, tighter.  I can’t stand them.  But when I found my Lush products, I passed by the coolest watch shop ever.  EVER!  Like of all time.  Not only are they retro, being non-digital and all, but they are also modern, with fun patterns, and other cool stuff like that.  The name of these watches you might ask? (Cheesy writing).  Swatches.  These things have been around even before my parents were born, and well, let’s just say, according to them, the prices have gone up quite  a bit.

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Those tasty treats look good enough to eat.  Most all the Swatch watches come with fun patterns, although I think you consider this a print, I’m not really sure.  I’m not sure if I can pick my favorite, but the cakes and jelly beans sure do look good.  There is more practical watches, but honestly, what’s the fun in looking at those?  If I wanted practical, I would have picked up a jewelers catalog.  So let’s all just enjoy these eye appealing watches, and try not to get hungry.




That last one’s a little bit mesmerizing.  Hope it didn’t put you in a trance:)

XO Style Stalker


All user made photos are linked to their original website.

All Spangled and Sparkly

Chere Readers, I lose my sunglasses every summer.  So I just buy cheap disposable ones every year, and get over the loss of my beloved glasses with a single tear rolling down the cheek.  No, but I really do lose my sunglasses every summer.  But I got to thinking, is there any sunglasses I like so much I’d never put them down?!?!?  Even though I’m practically blind without my normal glasses. Well, it turns out there is some glasses I really do like, Spangled Brand’s.  Let’s go back to 3rd grade where everyone says ‘like like’ meaning love.  I ‘like like’ these sunglasses.  They’re quirky, fun, colorful, and I’d be the center of attention at school wearing them.  Not that I like being the center of attention, but I love when people take note of what I wear.  And there’s no way anyone wouldn’t notice these glasses. vogue_multi2 tassel_gold These glasses are so colorful, and spangled.  Hahaha, very funny play on words, I’m soooo clever aren’t I?  These glasses definitely aren’t for everyone.  Truthfully I’d grow out of them sometime, even though I’m definitely a kid at heart.  But I can enjoy these glasses for now, especially if someone buys me these glasses *wink wink.*  Or if I buy it myself, since they’re not the most expensive sunglasses in the world.  They’re actually a really good price for sunglasses so cool.   lottie_flowers kigu_blue_tiger LOOK AT THOSE GLASSES!  Really look at them.  There’s a big cat, cougar maybe? colorful roses, gum drop like gems, and a more grown up version of those rhinestone you played with as a little girl.  Remember when you walked around in those dress up stuff, making tiaras and wands, while playing in your fake kitchen.  But back to the glasses, how often do you see anything like these? EH_SJ-Stylee_Headshot_225_smaller   babybrontogreen_to_post_copy After taking about a thousand looks at each picture, I decided unless someone decides to be REALLY nice to me, no one is going to buy me these extraordinary glasses.  My mom probably thinks they’re crazy and weird, my dad, unreasonable, and everyone else just plain crazy as well.  But I can still admire them from a distance, as I decide whether or not to buy these glasses.  Or wait for them to arrive in the mail, as a gift for winning an award at school.   cat0171 The fun doesn’t stop there.  They have a ton of crazy prints, patterns, and other funky things.  I’m glad I discovered this new brand, but I have a problem with it.  I CAN”T  DECIDE WHICH GLASSES I WANT!  Ahh…..  The sacrifices you make when finding a new cool brand.

Au Revoir,

Style Stalker

“Stressed” is Just “Desserts” Spelled Backwards

Chere Readers,

After a trip to the aquarium, I spent many hours shopping, but not by choice.  It’s not like I’m complaining about clothes, but some stores were quite boring to go into.  I did happen however to get some new clothes from Forever 21 for the spring and summer months.  But wait!  There’s more!  I got to purchase a LUSHious organic ‘beauty product’ *Cough bath bomb cough* from…  You guessed it LUSH.

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Everything in the store looks like food.  I’m not kidding, at first I thought I walked into some sort of candy shop or bakery.  From the bath bombs to the soap everything looks just delicious.  But looks can be quite deceiving, especially the soaps.  But the beauty doesn’t stop there.  Most of the products smell REALLY good, no exaggeration.  Especially the bath bomb I purchased which smells like candy.  Just don’t sniff too hard, unless you want to be sneezing out colorful powder for a few minutes.

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Everyone there tries to get you to buy something, and even the must stubborn unwilling to purchase anything there people *Wink Wink Dad* often end up amazing you with demonstrations, and free samples.  So if you’re getting tired of the cliché Bath and Body Works collections, why not hope over to Lush for a healthier alternative for Earth Day.

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Au Revoir,

Style Stalker

P.S.  These products will definitely cure stress!  Possible review with my pictures coming soon!

Buy the:  Carrot Bubble Bath, Butterball Bath Bomb, Figs and Leaves Soap Bar, Dr. Peppermint Shampoo Bar