Vibes: Moody, Perfect Clutter & Daisies

Fashion… clothes… blah blah blah….  I have actually succeeded in creating outfits worth sharing.

I have not succeeded in creating the time and effort it takes to take good pictures.  SOOOOO sorry, but no outfit pictures until I get a tripod.  Excuses excuses, reasons, blah blah.

This is a really lazy random, post, but I felt like contributing something to the world today, (and I can’t finish a paper journal, I’m working on it) so here we are.

Well here I am, since you will likely be closing this in 3….2….1….. oh no!  You’re still here, that means…  Well, I have to do an actual post.  Here are some vibes.  Enjoy be inspired, all that blogger stuff.

P.S.  I am quite frustrated with my theme.  It pretty, 1 picture a column, caveman talk, zzzzz….  huh what?  click  and read description… big picture…  zzz………  (yes, I know these go at the end.  jeez leave me alone, I know what I’m doing, just for that, no caps for you).


Very Tavi Gevinson, teenager with personality thing, not the fake, annoying talkative “girls”  (if you can call them that, they’re more like robots, or zombies) who think they should drink coffee in middle school and Do Not Enter Diaries.  I am currently in the process of achieving this moodiness.

Kind of perfect in that messy way.  I can’t figure out how to clutter without making a mess.


My Candy Coated Fashion Obsessions

Thinking about Tavi Gevinson gets me thinking about how boring my wardrobe is.  Sure, there’s pieces I love, and hate to grow out of (which means giving it to my sisters… *tears*) but then there’s pieces I’d LOVE to throw into my sisters’ possessions.  I mean THEY’RE BORING!!!  But then I’m not sure I could be brave enough to wear the adventurous pieces I love (or afford them), especially at the torturous place known as school.  So until someone gives me a spending allowance for my blog (I’m gladly taking offers) so I could go on weekly or monthly shopping sprees, I think I’m just going to have to admire bloggers with weekly allowances (and a job).  Paying for this blog is costing me, I only get $4 a month technically now (help me, I think I need to start a business)!!!!

Sorry for my shameful, (or -less) blogger promotion.  Wait, no, I’m not that sorry, these people definitely deserve your attention.

Marlena, of  Self Constructed Freak, reminds me of  a little doll; (even though she’s 21) her clothes are adorable!  Plus she makes a lot of them.  It makes me jealous I can barely thread a sewing machine, let alone create a wardrobe, (but hey!  I’m working on it, not really, but I like to tell myself that).

My Ode to Marlena’s Closet

Rainbows and clouds,

Those tights are so loud.

Socks so cute I might have to sing,

Look at that beautiful gumball kid ring!

Felt ice cream, and a glittery pin,

Oh my gosh!

Let the obsession begin.

Evita Nuh, of the Crème de La Crop, has a million different styles, some days she’s ‘swag,’ others she’s nerdy, and some days she’s just plain awesome.  Especially since she practically makes her own editorials, which is another thing I can be jealous of.  And just looking at this small gallery of pictures, you can tell that she has quite a lot of accessories, (meaning quite a lot of money, another thing I envy).  OMG!  THAT’S SO RAVEN IS ON, AND I’M DYING BECAUSE THERE IS ACTUALLY SOMETHING GOOD ON DISNEY CHANNEL NOW (BESIDES GIRL MEETS WORLD SORT OF) AND I LOVE THIS SHOW, AND HAVE TO ASK FOR A BOX SET FOR CHRISTMAS EVEN THOUGH MY SISTERS SCRATCH ALL THE DVDS WE EVER GET, UNLESS I KEE THEM IN MY ROOM FOREVER, (EVEN BARTOK THE MAGNIICENT, WHICH I LOVE) *exhale.*

Okay, maybe I’m not ready for Susie Bubble’s wardrobe but who doesn’t want a candy printed dress, or a pink translucent skirt.  Plus, I saw her hanging out with some Spangled Glasses wearing people, which already makes them pretty cool in my book.  And one day, when I stop caring what the heck all those prissy popular Aeropostale wearing zombies think, I will definitely be wearing some of those glasses.  And even though I’ll need a guide dog (I’m that visually impaired, that’s right, my nerdy glasses have thick prescription lenses) I’ll still feel great.

Bow Down to the Next Gloria Allred

Apparently I’m nosy in the kind of way where you listen in on other people’s conversations but I know that’s not true.  Now be quiet, they’re saying something.  But I know I’m nosy in the kind of way where I go through people’s drawers (with their permission of course) *cough cough* to see if they anything they’d like to give to me.  They always do, they just don’t know it.  *Cough Grandmom cough.*

Anyway, the people’s drawers I go through have tons and tons of stuff worth borrowing (*cough taking cough*  apparently I have a sore throat, and a lot of secrets) so you should definitely visit those grandparents, cosmopolitans (for those who are too lazy to open another tab and Google big words, here’s a link), and pack-rats in your family because you love them/their stuff.  It’s like a thrift store with free stuff and cookies; what more do you need?

photo 1 For this outfit I had a little inspiration, which is weird (how do I get dressed without it?!?!?!  This must be answered!!!) I’m kind of channeling my inner Tavi Gevinson, bit by bit, because I’m not full out wearing a skirt, a lace slip, a doily, and a tee shirt, but I am wearing some pretty cool pins.

photo 2

The pins are all brooches except for the seashells, those are shoe clips I pinned on to make some sort of belt thing (it’s called reusing people!  I’m saving the planet).  But everything came from this fancy handmade wooden box my grandmom had hidden in her drawer.  I’ve made her promise to send me pictures of any more cool things she finds so I can pay her and she can ship them to me.

photo 4

These are the most denim-y looking shoes I own, they’re from Target on clearance for $5.98, and super cute.

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Shhhh…  I’m going to tell you a secret.  I don’t have on a shirt.  What?!?!? you say. Nope.  Nada.  I have on a jumper, I have a jumper!!! Haha viewers, I got ya!  Now bow down to the next Gloria Allred.

Oh, this skirt is old, either 1 or 2 years old, so haha!! you can’t get it anymore, unless I sell it.  The bids start at $20.  Once again send it to Wackytown, address it to the weirdest person there.


I-Need-to-Clutter-My-Room-and-Make-Crowns Kind of Way

I really can’t be bothered to get on the computer and write anything but this blog post (so be grateful peeps because you’re getting special treatment and exclusive stuff)  because 1) I am a lazy bum, and 2) I am the most uninspired person on the planet.  No no no, that is not true.  At the moment I am quite inspired in an I-want-to-be-just-like-you-and-do-everything-you-do-and-ahhhhh-I-need-to-clutter-my-room-and-make-crowns kind of way, and guys imagine all that in a really high fangirl voice.  Guess what my current inspiration is!?!?  No that’s wrong, who?  I will not demote my favorite person ever right now to an object.  Neither will you, stop thinking like that!  *evil stare*  So as you can see it might not be a good idea for me to be on the internet right now because I have lost my mind, and I might start an evolution or something like that.  Hahaha, like I would ever have the time or energy or effort to start an evolution.  See what I mean, I’ve gone crazy?!?!?!?  You must send your condolences to Wackytown, and address it to the weirdest person there.


Okay okay okay.  Now unless you’ve been living under a rock forever and ever (okay for 7 years, but that might as well be forever) you know who this is.  Now shame on you if you don’t *waggles finger* I am thoroughly disappointed in you.  But I guess I’m going to have to give you a crash course (because I want to watch her again, now be quiet and pay attention).

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Okay now you know why I am the world’s most inspired person ever.  Because well…  You can see why.

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I am now giving up my life as a not-technically-but-self-diagnosed-OCD-room decorator, and turning to the dark side.  The week I get home will be the week I clutter and organize (I know what I said, and NO, that is not an oxymoron) all the little trinkets I have, like snow globes and souvenirs and candies, and you get the point.


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Oh, and if you were too lazy to read my intro paragraph, then poo on you, (kidding, kidding, but seriously read it) but otherwise, you’ll hear me again.  The week I get home and clutter/organize my room is the week I go to the craft store and buy hot glue sticks and junk, then head over to Target and buy a million headbands, then head to my basement and gather all my childhood toys so I can creep people out when they sit on my head all day and stare at you.  Mwahahaha!

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I’ve got a lot to do to prepare for my newfound life, and no, that does not involve 7th grade, or flute, or homework (but if you’re my parents, then it totally does).  I’ve got to get my Martha Stewart on, and clutter/organize, and creep people out in the market to prepare for school, and start a diary again.  You know so I can never finish it and then add it to the collection.


Then I’ve got to convince my parents to book me a day at Hotel Chelsea so I can steal the shampoo bottles (which are really up for grabs, so I’m not a thief after all, all you people who jumped to conclusions) and then off to the local store and buy about 10 bouquets, so my window looks like this.




Oh, and after that I’ve got to invent and build a working time machine so I can wear clothes like this.


Then I’ve got to discover a problem with media today, and create a new version just for teens.

OOTD: Wide Leg Trousers

On a day that began with me babysitting a little cousin who loves to sneak around the house and put toilet paper in the toilet then flush it, and ended with me eating a delicious ice cream bar covered in chocolate on a stick, I thought these wide-legged trousers would be perfect for my daily adventures.  Though I do think I got some strange looks from my sisters and cousins.  I am quite sorry for such a shortage a photos.  My sister-turned-photographer was quite ecstatic after the playground and couldn’t keep still long enough to take any non-blurry photos.

But that is why I need a tripod *wink wink* and a camera.  But thanks to the stress of packing I brought the charger and the not the actual camera itself.

The tribal patterns on a black background had me looking slightly like I came from a disco party, along with the assistance of the swishing of my pants.  And since the pants were so loud and dark, I added a bright, plain white t-shirt and a simple necklace in a neutral color.  To tie it all together I added some new sandals I got on clearance for about $6.00, so they were quite the deal.

photo 1

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 (Top: Old//Pants: T.J. Maxx//Shoes: Target//Necklace: Handmade by my Nan)

Why Not Drive a Pale Pastel Buggy?

I don’t know why everyone wants to live in million dollar houses (though that would be nice) when they can hide in their room and take Polaroids.  Lopsided ones that everyone thinks has a secret meaning (yah, old film, and not knowing which button to press).  Why don’t they want to live in quiet tacky towns?  Why don’t they want to live in retro clothes, while saving coins in mason jars, and driving pale pastel buggies.  For whatever reason, that gives off the impression of being poor to everyone else, but ridiculously cool to me.

I don’t know what my world could be called.  Or be described as.  But I think f you drew if there’d be lots of signs where letters stopped glowing, and flickering street lights, and squeaky record players.  So pretty much a creepy little ghost town, but better.  In some ways I think I’d want everyone to live in it, but they’d destroy it with their stupid songs and dances, and where would I be then?  So I will share it with this audience and hope you don’t pollute it with your modern thoughts and such.

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I’ve always loved this kind of stuff, but I never really knew how to embrace it.  I was too busy trying to fit in (which I never did) to try.  But then I started putting fake flowers in empty glass soda bottles, and I loved it to pieces (literally, the bottle broke).  So when I was using Tumblr again all that retro stuff really stuck out and I started to fall in love all over again.  So UP! inspired adventure jars, and peeling paint on apartments with windows full of flowers, and tacky Californian palm trees in sunsets all started to look really great to me.

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But while all that stuff is great, I do think retro clothes are definitely something special.  They’re completely different than how I usually dress, and I have yet to buy many retro things.  But they are just so cool, in ways that cannot be explained.  Like the wide legged printed pants I am wearing today as my interpretation of all this retro grooviness (I think I am getting into this WAY TOO MUCH).

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I think I would love how everything looked in my little town, but it would all feel creepy.  Because everyone would go around in these diners on roller skates eating ice cream and things like that, but I have a feeling the town would be like Once Upon a Time, where everyone does the same thing everyday.  And there would be these flickering lights, and run down motels, and there’s not a lot of places like that in the world anymore, so it would be a ghost town, and there’s just an underlying sense of doom in my dream town, which sort of scares me.


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I really can’t imagine why I’d leave behind TV shows, and cell phones, and the internet (meaning my blog) for tackiness and bubble-gum colored houses and pastel kitchens and restaurants.  But somehow I find it more fun to look at all these old things on the internet, then go and live life outside in my neighborhood.  And it is funny because when school starts again I say that social studies is my least favorite subject, and I would rather learn about things happening today.

Then again, I really don’t like watching the news, because of all that murder and accidental shootings and things, so I don’t really want to learn about now either.  Maybe when my teacher comes to school blowing bubblegum with high waisted neon skirts and dramatic eyeliner I will be more excited to learn about the things she has to say.  Or maybe I will be more excited about the things I can write about and doodle about during class when I get bored of Ancient China and coordinate planes and other nonsense like that.

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And though this probably makes no sense to some people all these pictures, and colors, and objects seem to fit together in the catalogs of my mind.  It all makes sense to me (though that is what crazy people say).

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Chanel and Prada

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All runway photos are from and all the others are from Tumblr, if you would like a direct link to any photo or one taken down, contact me.


Tea Parties in Paris

Okay don’t judge me.  I know it’s been WAY too long since I’ve reviewed fashion week.  I haven’t give or Burberry or Chanel or Coach a second thought for a while (I know I know, I’m such a bad little fashion blogger) but I thought now that I’m blogging about whatever I want, I’ve decided to give you a montage? of everything I love in fashion week so far, complete with commentary (yay) but just a little one for now (boohoo).


I’d have to say in this collection I was more drawn to the girly/tea party/perfection aspect of clothes rather than the whimsical and quirky textures and fabrics.  But underneath the surface, this piece is every bit as unique as the last, it’s just hidden behind all the bows and paisley prints.  It starts out as I said before as a perfect summer dress you might find anywhere else.  But then there’s all the delicate embroidery and the perfectly messy hair to make it seem not so priceless that really makes it Chanel worthy.


I don’t think there is any doubt in my mind that I am officially obsessed with yet another thing in fashion, and that just happens to be Chanel.  I absolutely adore that scarf/quilt thing on the skirt, and how they took it a step further and added it to the sleeves.  The skirt couldn’t be more perfect, as it is a solid color, and a boring one at that, yet it still catches your eye.  And to top it off they tie the whole outfit together perfectly with a belt in my favorite place, and more of those fancy sandals.(I also love how the sleeves are so long that they partly cover the hand, making the model seem softer and shyer somehow).

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I can’t say personally I like turtlenecks, but props to the model for enduring such discomfort.  All that fancy gold detailing on the top, and then the simple and subtle gold beading on the bottom balances out perfectly.  But once again the belt ties everything together, and also gives the illusion (along with the beads) of more pleats on the skirt which only makes me love it all the more.

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{Armani Prive}

I’ve never reviewed an Armani collection before, and I am sad to say so because I really love this one.  Everything in this collection screams French (or maybe whispers, because I can’t imagine the French screaming).  Especially this, because it is so classy, and nostalgic, because it reminds me of childhood movies like the “Aristocats” (after which my dead cats were named) and “The Lady and the Tramp,” (which I believe takes place in London, but let’s not get all technical).  Especially the expression on the model which is saying she is above everyone else, and they dare not question her or face the wrath of her Frenchiness, (and yes, bloggers and allowed to make up words, just in case you were wondering.


Once again dark colors with pops of red remind me of the city of love ( I know it is truly lights, I do know how to read, but being a hopeless romantic, I prefer love).  The simplicity of the outfit is Parisian.  The black gloves are Parisian.  The draping is oh-so Parisian.  Everything is just perfect, and you dare not say otherwise.

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I think this model is wearing sticky-notes.  And I applaud her courage for doing so.  No stop giving me that look.  You know the one where you think I’m a wackadoo.  I’m not.  I just have a big imagination, which is putting it nicely.  I love the papery look of everything, and how it overlaps, and… and… everything else.  Now if I have to be honest, I think this piece represents how everyone is so busy worrying about what everyone else thinks of an outfit, it shows, and after a while, you don’t even see the outfit anymore, all you see is someone trying too hard to please everyone, (which is bad because I am a fashion blogger, and I have to put my 2 cents in on an outfit).  But then again, it’s probably just a dress with squares, and you’re all thinking I’m really a wackadoo.

All photos are from and I take no credit.  If you want an image taken down, or a link added to it contact me.




No More Looking Like a Burnt Marshmallow

Hello doll!

I had to travel 12 or so hours today, so to make the journey seem shorter we left at 4:00.  AM!!!!!  I was the only one who successfully stayed up until then, (which is good because the driver needs sleep) so I had bide my time using technology.  Usually that means Tumblr and blogging and such.  But by 1:00 am I was tired, and looking for an easy way to occupy my time (one that requires no brain cells anyway).

Obviously TV comes to mind.  So I decided to put on one of my favorite movies.  It’s my favorite because of the fashion and Meryl Streep.  Yup, you guessed right, The Devil Wears Prada.  Mainly I love it for the clothes and insight into the evil minds of fashionable people in power (gosh I hope I’m not like that one day).

Enjoy this mini vibes post/rant/sketchbook page/fashion montage/anything else I decide to do.


There’s no way I can resist this.  Anything I can wear in winter that doesn’t make me look like a burnt marshmallow is a plus in my book.  And who wouldn’t adore matching gloves.


It’s just….. Perfection.


Professional, evil glares, perfect office design, and brand name suits.  What more can you ask for? (Nothing).


I’m quite the biased person.  I absolutely LOVE her accent, so I didn’t pay much attention to her clothes.  But if you only imagine the perfect mixture of British and English, then multiply that by 100 you’d understand.

Sorry for such a short post, but vacation calls!

I take no credit for any of the images.  If you want an image taken down contact me.


Abandoned Theme Parks

Hi my little lovelies!

For whatever reason I’ve been hearing the word aesthetic, and since I didn’t know what it meant (gosh, give me a break) I decided to ask Siri, and voila! I’m a little bit smarter.  But it kind of describes my life and the way I live it.  I have these “vibes” after seeing things on Tumblr and movies and blogs (and yes that if how I spend my time) and then I try to live like that.  So usually after Tumblr I sit in my room with sad music on while attempting to paint my nails and make flower crowns and despise people who deserve to be despised.  I let my room be a big unorganized mess, in the way that is organized to me (and no one else) and I lock the doors and watch Netflix instead of cable because I have a very limited selection of channels.  But other times I’ll read and see all these happy people, so I bake cookies and banana bread eat ice cream and pretend to ride a retro bike so I can model clothes (and mock people who give me weird looks when I take pictures).

Behold the deep depths of my mind!  I will not give you the key, (I considered it) because I do not think I would like you poking and prodding around my brain.  You might find something wrong with me.  Something else at least.


I would love to have dinner alone at this little table with one other person where we could pretend to be classy as the world falls apart around us.  And we can pretend everything is fine, even when it isn’t, because that is just the messed up life we live.  But because no one else in the world thinks I this, I am left pretending.


These are just watermelon, and they should be insignificant, but they are not, they are beautiful and noticed and that really gets to me (as I am writing this post I realize I can think of  great metaphors off the top of my head).  Something small is often disregarded in this world, so therefore I am often disregarded when someone walks right into me and I automatically say “excuse me,” and they just keep on walking.  And that is when I am noticed by everyone when I stick my tongue out at them, and in my head call them a bunch of not-so-nice words.


Everyone tries to take all the gorgeous pictures of the Eifel Tower on sunny days and with lots of lights, but I am a dark person as of right now, and quite cruelly all of them are ugly compared to this one.


I would love to have three feet so I can walk down the street like this and make people stare, but also so I can wear mismatched pastel shoes and call myself creative and original for that very fact.


If you were a good little reader you would know this is my attempt at all this Tumblr and We Heart It stuff (which to me isn’t quite stuff because I live by it, but for everyone else it is) and I do not know if I have succeeded, but I can live like I have and continue pretending to be a fancy little 7th grader when we all know I am far from the fact.


I cannot truly live like this because 1) I do not have long hair, 2) I do not live by beautiful bright flowers, and 3) I would not like to cut hearts out my shirt and expose the straps of my underclothes.  But I can admire this and act like one day I will.

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The day I can sit on a dock and take pictures of me taking pictures while waiting for the perfect light without getting bored is the day pigs fall from the sky.  I know how to read, but I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO BE CLICHE!

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I would love to live like a movie and go riding on a merry-go-round in an abandoned theme park, but for now I can settle for going into stores late and riding on the cart like it is a scooter.

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I like to imagine when I sit for 12 hours in the car it will rain and I will see a rainbow.  So to prepare myself for such paralyzing beauty I will play with the hose and the sun, while I pretend to be watering the plants even though we have sprinklers.  HAHA!  No one would believe I voluntarily did extra chores.  That was quite a stupid thought.

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I would absolutely love to live in New York, but with all the violence I keep hearing about on the news, I am not so sure I would ever do that.  I know you are not supposed to let fear control your life, but I will let the possibility of danger and death control it.  Away from those morbid thoughts, I still love the city, and have been there before.

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This is hardly the tacky stuff I try to channel, but in some way it is perfect.

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A lot of people may think I am crazy for loving the black flower above and them loving the colorful flowers here, but it is something with the photography which captures my attention, even though I can not live my life through pictures.  But as I have said many times before I can pretend that I have a movie all about me, and I just happen to carry around paper bags of roses and things.

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If I am on Tumblr it is only necessary that I have a flower crown shown.  It is not just because this is a flower crown that I picked it.  It is because I want a flower crown that I am putting this on here.  I would also love to turn my head away from the camera, like I am camera shy while donning a string of silk things that people pretend grew from the ground.

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For whatever reason I am quite inspired by flowers…  Though I would rather have a single red rose, so many red roses are just fine too.  You know, if someone wants to buy me a bunch of dying things to put in water, I’m not going to be too picky about it.  Though I will be quite literal.

I think I’ve decided to live a very Tumblresque (yes I make words up) picture-perfect life.  And that is not good because Tumblr has unbelievably high expectations, and I am trying to get by with my crazy and messy life, and it is all a little heart breaking.  But I will continue living this way until piece-by-piece my little fairy tale falls apart and I am forced to stop pretending.  But until then I will enjoy living my slightly tacky picture-worthy life and hope it lasts forever.