OOTD-Still Fresh as a Daisy

I just happened to take a HUGE shopping trip at the outlet.  Well, it was supposed to be a 2 shirt return trip, but knowing me, I turned it into a spree.  And since I was super excited to get some knee high socks, guess what I did?!?!  Don’t look down.  You did it anyway, didn’t you?  Well, I wore them the very next day.  And sneak peek.  The day after that.  A clean pair of course.  Gosh, stop jumping to such terrible conclusions.

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Coat: J. Crew//Shirt: Old//Skirt: Old// Socks: Gap//Shoes: T.J. Maxx//Ring: H&M

I was inspired enough to take my sister to the playground, just to give you guys a different background.  But tomorrow the high is in the 60s, so don’t expect much from me.  I happen to be one of those people who wants the cold weather to come for the clothes, but then hates actually being cold.

More people looked at me like I was crazy today.  For some reason not wearing Pink, and yoga pants, and UGGs, is like a fashion crisis in my school.  But I actually think I am the savior, considering what some people wear.  Just saying…  One of my iffy friends (you know the one that said something about you, but you pretend it didn’t happen so you have someone in class to talk to… awkwardly) kept looking at my shoes, and my socks, and then at me, and I acted oblivious to the whole thing.  Because it’s funny.  Not because I’m mean, but because someone is pretty much judging my clothes, right in front of me, which is stupid, so I think I should get to play stupid.

Oh, and some boy who happens to be like 5 inches taller than me who I’ve known for 2 years, but didn’t talk to at all last year, happens to care if I like him or now now?!?!  All because I didn’t let him borrow my phone to see what textbooks he needed, because I didn’t have it.  I hate 7th grade.  Seriously, what is this whole dating thing?!?!

The conversation went something like this: (he was sort of talking to another person at their locker, but sort of indirectly talking to me)

Guy: Nyah… Can I borrow your phone?

Me: (I don’t have it) *silence* (I don’t talk a lot despite how much I write, so this is normal)

Guy: (to friend) I don’t think she likes me.

Me: I don’t dislike many people.  (supposed to be mysterious and get me out of this conversation so I can go eat lunch).

Guy:  But I’m one of them?

Me: No. (*walks away hungrily)

But it’s fun to stand out, and get people’s attention. I don’t know, because I can laugh about people’s reactions later.  But I am totally a feminist in this whole clothes thing, honestly, the last thing on my mind when I get dressed is some tall blonde boy with “dreamy eyes.”  Yeah, I know the stereotypes, I do like to read.

That was a lot more than I was hoping to write, and rant.

Listen to-Katy Perry, This is How We Do

OOTD-All Neon & Hazy

Before I bore you with a million and 1 pictures of me, please stop.  From now on, every OOTD will feature a new song I would like you to listen to.  And in return for my wonderful music selection (I’m the next best thing to a DJ) I am asking you to comment your favorite song of the moment.

Just because some people will not open click to listen to YouTube, I will embed the songs at the end.

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Shoes: Saks Fifth Avenue// Cardigan: Forever 21// Dress: Old//Necklace: TopShop//Crown: DIY//Bracelets: Alex & Ani

I knew I could look really sophisticated, and modern, and all that good stuff made for adults.  Well, being 12, I get to wear all the silly, stupid, DIY, attention catching crap I want.  And I can totally get away with it, because I’m “discovering my identity.”  The people at the optometrist looked like they were trying not to stare at me.  And just to entertain myself, I pretended I had no idea why.  But just because I’m pretty sure they thought I was stupid, I made sure to mention I was taking 9th grade math, somewhere in the conversation.  You know,*insert sarcasm* casually.

Listen To- All About that Bass

P.S.  This is the same dress I wore in my popular OOTD, Neon in the Winter?!?!

P.P.S.  I found out that PS stands for “postscript”  in vocab, so stay in school.  Or continue using Google, whatever floats your boat.


Favorite Fall Trends

For right now.  Because we all know 10 days later, I’m going to love something else, and this is all going to change.

Pins and Badges

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Shop the Trend- Etsy, Etsy, Asos

These are the easiest ways for me to make a plain sweater more quirky and original, along with my favorite jacket of the moment.  But I am very disappointed because there’s no need for these sweaters and jackets when it’s 70 degrees Fahrenheit outside.  Any Disney themed pins are from those lanyards you can buy at Disney World.  Anything else I got from my grandmother.

Stacked Rings

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Shop the Trend- ASOS, Forever 21, Forever 21

I never wear rings in the summer because I never have good summer outfits planned, so spending my time on jewelry takes too much effort.  But in fall and winter, sweaters cover up any bracelets, and I find putting them on top to look bad.  So the best way for me to accessorize is my rings.  Plus, they’re really simple and inexpensive, or intricate and expensive, so take your pick.

Plus, Forever 21 is having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale on select jewelry so it’s the perfect time to snatch some up.

OOTD-Sunbathing on the Moon


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Top: Old//Jeans: Target//Cardigan: Forever 21//Ring: Birthday Present//Necklace: H&M//Shoes: Converse//Shoe Clips: Grandmother

As you might have guessed I have started naming my OOTD posts after songs I’ve been enjoying, which can be quite mysterious, so if you’d like to know the name of a song, (because the lyrics are so beautiful and compelling, you might just die if you don’t find out), ask me in the comments.

Today, once again I have no picture inspiration, besides you know, NEEDING clothes washed, and NEEDING to wear this sweater.  But whenever I put on that coat I feel like a mysterious French girl, especially with these heeled boots.

Okay, now don’t feel pity for me, but I almost went to the ER yesterday.  So I was planning to post something, and wear something really cool just for you guys.  But after my tongue swelled up after I accidentally touched some peanut butter, I wasn’t really in the mood;) You understand right?

P.S.  I felt the need to give you some comic relief until my parents decide to let you see my face, (which means I actually have to put effort into smiling, so I’m holding that talk off), so that’s why my face looks like I stepped out of my math notebook(you know those colorful pens distract you too).

DIY Flower Crowns/Headbands

I was quite the busy crafter yesterday.   With my tripod came 100 hot glue sticks, so I decided to put them, and my Martha Stewart, skills to use.  And you know while I was doing all that I decided to channel my inner Tavi Gevinson.  Because you know, that’s a perfectly good use of my time.  And a perfectly good way to procrastinate homework.

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My sisters actually wore these to school, and apparently they’re worth something.  I mean besides the like $3 they cost me to make.  Apparently, their bus driver wants to buy one for her daughter.  So I guess I have a business now.

P.S.  That big jewel on the top is actually part of a broken earring of my grandmothers.  Well, it got broken after it got into my custody.  Oopss!!!


OOTD-As the Sun Grows High





My tripod came in the mail today!  And because photographers are super snazzy, the company sends you a free mini tripod in every box.  PLUS, on a major note my hot glue sticks came, so I can finally make me some Tavi Gevinson style flower crowns.  I mean, summer’s almost over, but whatever.  Pssh… No big deal.

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Top-Gap//Jeans-Old//Necklace-Forever 21//Shoes-Converse//Bow Ring-H&M//Diamond Ring-Forever 21

I was kind of inspired by the whole geeky girl who sits in the library checking homework over with her friends because high school math in middle school can be hard, namely me.  Yep, this outfit was 100% me made.  I had no inspiration in mind besides the fact that I wanted to wear my new clothes and shoes from the mall this weekend.







Top-Gap//Jeans-Old/Sweater-Forever 21//Necklace-Topshop//Shoes-Saks Fifth Avenue (Lucky Brand I think)//Rings-Forever 21 +Old

Once again you should be proud of your little Style Stalker, because she had no inspiration for this outfit.  Just a brain, some new clothes, and an amazing sense of style (which can be debatable).  Mainly my best outfits come from when I get new stuff, so the day when I get to go shopping daily, is the day when I start posting OOTDs daily.  Just saying…  But I might do them more often thanks to my handy dandy (Manny, for all you Disney channel folk) nifty tripod.  Now if only I could hire someone besides my sisters and the time to take my pics.  And rent out the neighborhood so people wouldn’t look at me weirdly.  Then we’d be golden.


Street Style: Can You Show Me the Way?

Truth be told, I’m pretty sure everyone is covering NYFW.  And while I’m sure you’d all LOVE to hear my review, I think I’ll skip it this season.  I tried to write about the Kate Spade collection, and failed miserably.  So if you’re just DYING to see my favorites, follow my Twitter (shamless self-promotion).

I have been really craving three things lately, pins, rings, and street style, (and also the look of a blog with my own pictures, but that’s being fixed soon).  So while I’m waiting for my tripod and my hot glue sticks to come, *squeal* (DIY in the works), I will satisfy my needs with this here very blog, and you know, other social media sites too.




And just because I like you all, I went above and beyond on my editing for you peoples!  Sorry that 2nd photo is streaky.  This was a candid photo shoot taken through a parked car’s window.  These really well dressed Asian girls came up to my parents for directions while I was eating some organic pizza.  And I was totally selfless because I stopped eating for you and took some photos.  But you know, not that selfless because I didn’t even have to unlock my phone.

Look at her backpack!  And her watch!  And the jacket!  If fashion can kill I am practically dead.  Just kidding, false alarm.  Haha!  Gotcha.


Sun Jellies+Amazing Deal

I sit here in my bed on a school day, combing through Twitter, not because I am sick, but because I get school off today!  Anyways, as I was reading tweets, I discovered an AMAZING deal for any teen bloggers.  With every order you purchase at Sun Jellies, they will give you a FREE BAG AT CHECKOUT until MIDNIGHT!  Am I amazing or what?  See this is why you definitely need to follow me on Twitter, because sometimes I will be to lazy to compose a whole post to update you on this madness.  SO go now, because I am currently forwarding this to my mother so she will buy me some shoes, and get me a bag.

Now who doesn’t want some old school jelly shoes?  Enjoy their lookbook(it’s literally a virtual book with page flipping and everything *squeals*!

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My “Studio” Tour

As I’m writing this, I’m also not-so-secretly eating some apple pie I made last week, and it’s distracting me, so I think I’ll have to put it down.  Okay, I’m ready now.  After seeing all these amazing teen bloggers, I’ve pressured myself into buying a tripod, (so OOTDs to come) and taking more pictures.  You know, the good kind with my camera, and not my phone.

After finally finishing the “redoing” (I say like that, because I didn’t rearrange, or repaint, but I did swap some furniture, and get some bits and bobs, so call it what you like) my room or if you want to be nice, studio, and I’m pretty proud of myself.  Plus I needed to busy myself, so I could stop pretending I have a good English accent.




Polaroid Camera//Fujifilm Camera, Jewelry Tier (TJ Maxx)//Jewelry Tree (TJ Maxx)//Wooden Name Hooks (Pottery Barn) shown here

Dresser and Jewelry Area: My dresser is a key part of the blogger experience.  It’s pretty much the only place I get ready in the morning.  I lay out my clothes the night before here, the jewelry, whatever homework I have to turn in.  It’s also a really good backdrop for rainy days when I have to photograph inside.  Basically all my little blogger bits and bobs go here.



Dwarfs (Disney World)//Sleeping Beauty Set (Disney World)//Lanyard and Pins (Disney World and New York)//Mickey Mouse(Unknown)//Postcard (Disney World)

Disney Shrine: I will not lie to you.  My favorite place in the world to go on vacation is probably Paris.  But the most reasonable vacation spot, is probably Disney.  And I’ve been there quite a lot of times.  So I took the journey into our cold basement filled with spiders ;) and collected all my Disney memorabilia.  I didn’t realize I had it all until I put it out for the world to see. But I’m missing one of the Seven Dwarfs, so that’s kind of sad. P.S.  That perfume box is filled with fake flowers for crowns. Post coming soon!


Pink Pillows (handmade)//Yellow Pillow(Target)//Small Pillow (Pottery Barn Kids)//Bedspread (handmade)

Bed: This is usually where I am.  Not gonna lie about that.  Whether it’s online shopping, watching YouTube, going on Tumblr, or Tweeting, it’s all done in my bed.  I almost always have my laptop here, unless I have my phone, and it’s the only place where I get any “real” work done.;)



Lamp (Target)//Unicorn (Thrift Store)//Chalkboard Paper (Magazine)//Frame (Unknown)//Letter Tray (Container Store)//Mugs (my kitchen)

Desk: Sometimes I blog at my desk, and sometimes I blog in my bed, it all really depends on how I’m feeling and time of day.  But the most functional space for that is this desk.  It’s where the real magic happens.  Notes are made, people emailed, brands tweeted, inspiration hit.  I have a shag locker rug on my desk partly so my arms don’t hurt, but partly to cover up the years of creativity that has taken place on this here very desk.

And I’m all for not doing my hair.


This STUPID thing called GROWING

You know what I wanna do?

Sitting here in bed late at night online “shopping” (which I put in quotes because I never actually buy anything, being twelve that’s kind of hard) on sites like ASOS and Lazy Oaf, makes me miserable.  I can like all the clothes in the world through my computer, but do I ever actually get to go out and buy anything?  No.

Sometimes I just want to redo my whole wardrobe, which is totally fair, since up until I cared about what I wore, my mom did my shopping.  But now I have a big rack of unworn shirts I don’t like, and dresses I’ll never wear, and the occasionally semi-wacky piece of clothing (since dressing as fun and creative as I want without caring what the heck other people think is one of my life goals) I pick out on my own.

Of course that is unreasonable, because you know this stupid thing called growing is still happening, at a size 8 1/2 in shoes right now, and the verge of children’s/women’s  is still where I shop.  And I’m like 5’1 or 5’2 or whatever, so yeah, with my mom being 5’7 and my dad 6’0, I’ve still got a while to go.

Anyways, that needed to be said.

But you know if someone important in the world (say Barack Obama) asked me what my one wish would be I would say world peace, partly to look good, and partly so I can stop worrying about my friend’s country being destroyed by Russia, and oh, I almost forgot, GENOCIDE!!!!  Props to school for teaching me all these horrific things, but not well enough, because I have to go home and talk more because I don’t understand.

Oh don’t judge me, you know you’d do the same.