3 Ways to Style a Necklace | Mink and Stone


I’ve partnered up* with the brand new jewelry company, Mink and Stone to show you my 3 favorite ways to wear the same necklace, most likely your favorite, over and over again.  But instead of creating a uniform revolving around your necklace, I’ve shown you 3 different, easily re-created styles in which to wear your necklace.

Just a quick heads up, I found not all the colors are the exact way they appear when you design the necklace on the website.  For example, the silver heart I ordered appeared darker and more grungy in person than online.  Also, these are probably necklaces you treat yourself to for things like As on midterms, (pretty solid logic there) because they’re handmade, (not mass produced) and cost more than necklaces you might find at Forever 21 for example.



Casual is probably my go to style on the weekends, despite how much I dislike to admit that to myself.  It’s quite easy just to throw on a pair of jeans, boots, and a sweater.  But a 1-of-a-kind necklace, a couple of bracelets, and/or rings on top of that, will really make your outfit a lot less uniform.  I’d recommend statement pieces, like I mentioned in this post, or quirky pieces like mine from Mink and Stone.



Probably my favorite of the three, dressy does take some creativity.  But I’m not talking about floor-length gowns, and 4 inch heels.  I’m more about mid length dress, and some sort of cover, whether it’s a sweater, or a kimono, unless it’s really warm outside.  In the fall and winter pairing Oxfords and quirky knee-length socks, along with some really cool jewelry is a great way to doll up your outfit, without being too boring.  To keep it simple, add a minimal amount of necklaces and rings, but I really like to wear lots of chunky rings, and layer necklaces of all lengths.

Business-Like (Yet Quirky)


A blazer, flats-the workplace uniform.  I don’t actually have a job, but whenever I have nothing else to put over a shirt, a blazer has become my go-to.  Instead of buying multiple different styles (of blazers) in multiple different colors, why not not to add small inexpensive touches to an outfit.  Pins and shoe clips are simple, affordable ways (even for me, someone without a job) to make your blazer and shoes more fun.  But to go even further, or avoid the purchase of anything else, why not find a really nice, interesting go-to piece, (like I’ve mention about 400 times in this post) to spice things up.

*This is a sponsored post, as Mink and Stone has gifted and/or compensated me to write this post.  All opinions are my own, as I truly love the idea of designing your own piece of jewelry.  View my full disclaimer here.