Fall on Autumn | Morning Coffee Reading List

While I would love to tell you I am able to sip hot beverages, (not coffee obviously, being 12 and it smelling terrible,) every morning while perusing through the bookmarks of an iPad whole eating scrambled eggs, a banana, and toast, it just doesn’t happen.  More often than not I am rushing through the eating of some unhealthy chocolate cereal, and stuffing papers in folders, (and you know, I don’t have an iPad, but that’d be great *wink wink*).

But you know, the perfect way to get up in fall morning is to get your daily dose of inspiration (literally the most cliché thing ever) while enjoying your piping hot gourmet pancakes and pumpkin spice hot chocolate?!?!

(In no particular order… All photos from the blogger’s blog, obviously).

I Want You to Know

 I Want You to Know

While I just discovered I Want You to Know last week, I am one of those people who stops on good blogs and obsessively reads the archives, because well, that’s just me.  IWYTK features eccentric London styles with lots of personality and amazing photography.  I don’t usually layer this much for school, but it is lovely to see all her collars, coats, tights, and jackets.  If only…


Wish Wish Wish

Any blogger who knows anybody has probably already heard of Carrie’s Wish Wish Wish.  While her blog theme is what caught my eye, (it’s pretty much the prettiest thing you’ll ever see) her style and writing made me stick around.  Another blogger with a DSLR, her lovely camera seems to capture all the pretty little things Carrie seems to wear.  A little bit more classy than IWYTK, Wish Wish Wish features many unique outfits, dainty products, artistic drawings, and drool-worthy vacation pictures.

Tolly Dolly Posh Fashion

The only professional fashion blogger I follow even close to my age is an utter inspiration.  From inspiring me to take my blog seriously, to buying a tripod, to creating a scrapbook made of magazines, this 14 year old UK fashion blogger is one of my favorites.  She’s a super nice person, responding to some “Blogger to Blogger” questions I had within 2 days, and making sure to respond to all her quality comments on recent posts.  Plus I really love to see all the clothes she designs, which look absolutely amazing.  I can tell that this blogger has quite a lot in store for her.  Friends?  Hehe…


Fashion Obscura

Far from my age, and far from my sense of style, this doesn’t seem like the type of blog I’d be reading.  But I admire her quirkiness, and her super-galactic futuristic, that’s also quite retro clothing.  Maddy has made me quite interested in fluffy clothes, and Skinny Dip London, my two major obsessions right now besides ASOS.  I am always thinking of her fluffy monster purse, bejeweled clear purse, and the hound’s-tooth jacket.  Like constantly.

Rose and Vintage


Rose and Vintage

I’ve been obsessed with vintage and retro clothes since the very beginning of my blogging.  Only recently have I found vintage clothing styled well by a teenager in the modern world.  Once again I love all the quirky pieces, but in a different way.  They’re my kind of unique.  The ones you have to be interested in looking for, pins, collars, frilly socks, and cat-eye glasses.  Despite the fact that I will probably never buy something from Beyond Retro, it’s nice to know someone else is living out my dream.


Kayla Hadlington

I will never step foot in a charity shop and find anything worth buying.  Ever.  But I love her very retro Los Angeles vibes, and how she manages to find all these things that look quite inexpensive for a very low cost.  I check to see if there’s a new post everyday on all these blogs, but especially Kayla’s because she posts very frequently, and has a very funny writing voice.  She also reminds me of that cool, moody, free spirited popular older sister, that didn’t care to try to be popular,  or care at all about what people thought of her.

What’s on your morning reading list?

Fall on Autumn | Wishlist

I never realized quite how many cheesy holiday themed puns there are until I became a blogger.

I am one of those people who has to aesthetically catalog and decorate their life.  Apparently, I am also one of those people who houses creepy things.  Surprisingly enough, that owl came from Disney World, and stays in my room year long in the Disney shrine.  Yes, I have one of those.  I realize I haven’t posted in many days, and there’s a reason for it too.  But trust me when I say there’s 3 other drafts of posts I have to finish writing a editing.

I find the easiest and most interesting thing to blog is my ASOS saved items list, once they have been filtered through for things I can afford, things I will wear, and things I can convince my parents to buy.  Voila!  See, now I am cosmopolitan.

Fall on Your Face, and Feet, and Everywhere Else



Halloween only comes around once a year, and if you’re like me, you’re still growing.  So most likely anything I get for Halloween in terms of clothes would never be worn again, because my sisters are not as original as me.  So because I’m just a wonderful person,  also went through and found some really great everyday Fall items.  I think my favorites are the “Fashion Blogger” sweater, the clunky sandals, and the furry sweater.  The latter (can you still use that if there’s three items?) reminds me of Sully from Monsters Inc.

Ghostly Gifts, Creepy Cravings, and Witch-y Wishes

halloween 1//2//3//4//5

Because I know how time consuming and distracting ASOS can be I took the liberty of combing through pages and pages of clothes and shoes for you.  While I will not be spending $80 on anything I wear once, I know some of you have jobs.  And you know, can…  So there are some less pricey items from the sales page, my favorite, and there are some full priced pieces as well.  A lot of this has been sitting in my saved items basket for a week or more, so I’ve actually seen things go from $60 to $3o.  Everything here I think is very Halloween-ie, as well as technically not a costume, so I don’t think you’ll get sent home from school.  But if you do have a batty old teacher (see what I did there?) or spend over $100, don’t blame me.

This little corner of my room is completely full of Halloween and Fall aesthetics.  So pretty much my life right now.




I’m off to send this to my dad.  Hopefully I’ll be coming into some new clothes soon.

My “Studio” Tour

As I’m writing this, I’m also not-so-secretly eating some apple pie I made last week, and it’s distracting me, so I think I’ll have to put it down.  Okay, I’m ready now.  After seeing all these amazing teen bloggers, I’ve pressured myself into buying a tripod, (so OOTDs to come) and taking more pictures.  You know, the good kind with my camera, and not my phone.

After finally finishing the “redoing” (I say like that, because I didn’t rearrange, or repaint, but I did swap some furniture, and get some bits and bobs, so call it what you like) my room or if you want to be nice, studio, and I’m pretty proud of myself.  Plus I needed to busy myself, so I could stop pretending I have a good English accent.




Polaroid Camera//Fujifilm Camera, Jewelry Tier (TJ Maxx)//Jewelry Tree (TJ Maxx)//Wooden Name Hooks (Pottery Barn) shown here

Dresser and Jewelry Area: My dresser is a key part of the blogger experience.  It’s pretty much the only place I get ready in the morning.  I lay out my clothes the night before here, the jewelry, whatever homework I have to turn in.  It’s also a really good backdrop for rainy days when I have to photograph inside.  Basically all my little blogger bits and bobs go here.



Dwarfs (Disney World)//Sleeping Beauty Set (Disney World)//Lanyard and Pins (Disney World and New York)//Mickey Mouse(Unknown)//Postcard (Disney World)

Disney Shrine: I will not lie to you.  My favorite place in the world to go on vacation is probably Paris.  But the most reasonable vacation spot, is probably Disney.  And I’ve been there quite a lot of times.  So I took the journey into our cold basement filled with spiders ;) and collected all my Disney memorabilia.  I didn’t realize I had it all until I put it out for the world to see. But I’m missing one of the Seven Dwarfs, so that’s kind of sad. P.S.  That perfume box is filled with fake flowers for crowns. Post coming soon!


Pink Pillows (handmade)//Yellow Pillow(Target)//Small Pillow (Pottery Barn Kids)//Bedspread (handmade)

Bed: This is usually where I am.  Not gonna lie about that.  Whether it’s online shopping, watching YouTube, going on Tumblr, or Tweeting, it’s all done in my bed.  I almost always have my laptop here, unless I have my phone, and it’s the only place where I get any “real” work done.;)



Lamp (Target)//Unicorn (Thrift Store)//Chalkboard Paper (Magazine)//Frame (Unknown)//Letter Tray (Container Store)//Mugs (my kitchen)

Desk: Sometimes I blog at my desk, and sometimes I blog in my bed, it all really depends on how I’m feeling and time of day.  But the most functional space for that is this desk.  It’s where the real magic happens.  Notes are made, people emailed, brands tweeted, inspiration hit.  I have a shag locker rug on my desk partly so my arms don’t hurt, but partly to cover up the years of creativity that has taken place on this here very desk.

And I’m all for not doing my hair.


This STUPID thing called GROWING

You know what I wanna do?

Sitting here in bed late at night online “shopping” (which I put in quotes because I never actually buy anything, being twelve that’s kind of hard) on sites like ASOS and Lazy Oaf, makes me miserable.  I can like all the clothes in the world through my computer, but do I ever actually get to go out and buy anything?  No.

Sometimes I just want to redo my whole wardrobe, which is totally fair, since up until I cared about what I wore, my mom did my shopping.  But now I have a big rack of unworn shirts I don’t like, and dresses I’ll never wear, and the occasionally semi-wacky piece of clothing (since dressing as fun and creative as I want without caring what the heck other people think is one of my life goals) I pick out on my own.

Of course that is unreasonable, because you know this stupid thing called growing is still happening, at a size 8 1/2 in shoes right now, and the verge of children’s/women’s  is still where I shop.  And I’m like 5’1 or 5’2 or whatever, so yeah, with my mom being 5’7 and my dad 6’0, I’ve still got a while to go.

Anyways, that needed to be said.

But you know if someone important in the world (say Barack Obama) asked me what my one wish would be I would say world peace, partly to look good, and partly so I can stop worrying about my friend’s country being destroyed by Russia, and oh, I almost forgot, GENOCIDE!!!!  Props to school for teaching me all these horrific things, but not well enough, because I have to go home and talk more because I don’t understand.

Oh don’t judge me, you know you’d do the same.

But Daaaaad…

Hi daisies and daffodils!!!!! I’m a little too perky today.  I’m just recovering from my caveman talk.  It has been a long time since we last spoke of fashion, so to please my needs here is a little shopping wishlist.  I don’t know if I’ll actually buy anything but, you know… This is a FASHION BLOG TOO NYAH, NOT JUST YOUR LITTLE JOURNAL OF THOUGHTS AND MUSINGS.

Now I present to you the things I am currently drooling over on ASOS in hope that my parents will read this (unlikely) consider buying me what I’m asking for (very unlikely) and actually buying it (impossible).  But hey, mom, dad, *wink wink wink wink wink* prove me wrong.

Click to purchase (maybe even a little somethin’ somethin’ for me) you know if you do I’d gladly open up a P.O. box.


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 New York Sweater//Velvet Chiffon Bowtie

New York Sweater:  While this piece isn’t wild or wacky, I still think it would have a lovely home in my closet.  I could always have another casual piece, and something to wear when that leather skirt fits around my waist.  Overall, I don’t think I’ll buy it, because I have so many sweaters already, but is someone else were to than, that’s an offer I can’t refuse.

Velvet Chiffon Bow Tie: This is the weirdest looking bow tie I have ever seen.  So of course I want it.  I mean someone has already asked me why I was wearing a tie, why not get them to ask me why I’m wear a bow tie with high socks, and Oxfords?  I mean, you know I love to laugh at people’s reactions to my clothes as soon as they leave with my friends.

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Longline Cardigan//Red Duffle Coat

Longline Cardigan: I know at first this isn’t extraordinary but that’s kind of the point.  I wanted a simple long cardigan to put over dresses and leggings that matches with a lot of my stuff.  Plus they already have an elbow patch, so why not add on some of my old Girl Scout ones too?  It’s a so-so piece, but I was really interested in the patch.

Red Duffle Coat: All I want to do is put on some black rain boots, and go splashing in puddles, feeling like a combination of Captain Hook, and the perfect London girl.  Weird associations, I know, but pretty accurate too.  The deep red is a beautiful color, and the closures have me feeling like I should be on a ship.  But it’s also really elegant because of the peplum-like bottom, and faux fur.  I would buy this if I could afford it.  Oh please “Santa” won’t you take mercy on a fashion obsessed girl and visit early this year?

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Checkered Pinafore Dress//Fast Food Pins

Checkered Pinafore Dress: When I get dressed in the morning (on those days where you could sing out the window like Snow White) usually I have a character in mind.  I slip on rings, necklaces, shoes, and I get to be someone else.  I don’t have to be the shy smart girl no one can remember the name of.  I don’t have to be a member of the “Nerd Herd” or the only girl not wearing Pink (AKA middle school’s version of Justice).  I can be the confident character I have in mind.  Well, I feel like this dress would be really fun to imagine a character in, I’m not sure what yet, definitely retro, maybe a maid.  Probably with some high socks, silver Oxfords.  Yah, that’s it.

Fast Food Pins:  After that very emotional, and slightly personal speech type thing, I think I should end with something light-hearted I’ve been thinking of for a while.  Yes, you guessed it.  FOOD!  Just kidding, I got some pins from my grandmother, (and wore them without lapels, as well as shoe clips not on my shoes, props to me) and now I can’t wait for it to be Fall.  The only thing tiding me over is hoping someone will send me some pins, some things on this wish list, and a tripod, and then I’ll be all good.

Comment if you want to see more of these, because they’re really fun, and give me an excuse to be online shopping.

Vibes: Moody, Perfect Clutter & Daisies

Fashion… clothes… blah blah blah….  I have actually succeeded in creating outfits worth sharing.

I have not succeeded in creating the time and effort it takes to take good pictures.  SOOOOO sorry, but no outfit pictures until I get a tripod.  Excuses excuses, reasons, blah blah.

This is a really lazy random, post, but I felt like contributing something to the world today, (and I can’t finish a paper journal, I’m working on it) so here we are.

Well here I am, since you will likely be closing this in 3….2….1….. oh no!  You’re still here, that means…  Well, I have to do an actual post.  Here are some vibes.  Enjoy be inspired, all that blogger stuff.

P.S.  I am quite frustrated with my theme.  It pretty, 1 picture a column, caveman talk, zzzzz….  huh what?  click  and read description… big picture…  zzz………  (yes, I know these go at the end.  jeez leave me alone, I know what I’m doing, just for that, no caps for you).


Very Tavi Gevinson, teenager with personality thing, not the fake, annoying talkative “girls”  (if you can call them that, they’re more like robots, or zombies) who think they should drink coffee in middle school and Do Not Enter Diaries.  I am currently in the process of achieving this moodiness.

Kind of perfect in that messy way.  I can’t figure out how to clutter without making a mess.


My Candy Coated Fashion Obsessions

Thinking about Tavi Gevinson gets me thinking about how boring my wardrobe is.  Sure, there’s pieces I love, and hate to grow out of (which means giving it to my sisters… *tears*) but then there’s pieces I’d LOVE to throw into my sisters’ possessions.  I mean THEY’RE BORING!!!  But then I’m not sure I could be brave enough to wear the adventurous pieces I love (or afford them), especially at the torturous place known as school.  So until someone gives me a spending allowance for my blog (I’m gladly taking offers) so I could go on weekly or monthly shopping sprees, I think I’m just going to have to admire bloggers with weekly allowances (and a job).  Paying for this blog is costing me, I only get $4 a month technically now (help me, I think I need to start a business)!!!!

Sorry for my shameful, (or -less) blogger promotion.  Wait, no, I’m not that sorry, these people definitely deserve your attention.

Marlena, of  Self Constructed Freak, reminds me of  a little doll; (even though she’s 21) her clothes are adorable!  Plus she makes a lot of them.  It makes me jealous I can barely thread a sewing machine, let alone create a wardrobe, (but hey!  I’m working on it, not really, but I like to tell myself that).

My Ode to Marlena’s Closet

Rainbows and clouds,

Those tights are so loud.

Socks so cute I might have to sing,

Look at that beautiful gumball kid ring!

Felt ice cream, and a glittery pin,

Oh my gosh!

Let the obsession begin.

Evita Nuh, of the Crème de La Crop, has a million different styles, some days she’s ‘swag,’ others she’s nerdy, and some days she’s just plain awesome.  Especially since she practically makes her own editorials, which is another thing I can be jealous of.  And just looking at this small gallery of pictures, you can tell that she has quite a lot of accessories, (meaning quite a lot of money, another thing I envy).  OMG!  THAT’S SO RAVEN IS ON, AND I’M DYING BECAUSE THERE IS ACTUALLY SOMETHING GOOD ON DISNEY CHANNEL NOW (BESIDES GIRL MEETS WORLD SORT OF) AND I LOVE THIS SHOW, AND HAVE TO ASK FOR A BOX SET FOR CHRISTMAS EVEN THOUGH MY SISTERS SCRATCH ALL THE DVDS WE EVER GET, UNLESS I KEE THEM IN MY ROOM FOREVER, (EVEN BARTOK THE MAGNIICENT, WHICH I LOVE) *exhale.*

Okay, maybe I’m not ready for Susie Bubble’s wardrobe but who doesn’t want a candy printed dress, or a pink translucent skirt.  Plus, I saw her hanging out with some Spangled Glasses wearing people, which already makes them pretty cool in my book.  And one day, when I stop caring what the heck all those prissy popular Aeropostale wearing zombies think, I will definitely be wearing some of those glasses.  And even though I’ll need a guide dog (I’m that visually impaired, that’s right, my nerdy glasses have thick prescription lenses) I’ll still feel great.

Bow Down to the Next Gloria Allred

Apparently I’m nosy in the kind of way where you listen in on other people’s conversations but I know that’s not true.  Now be quiet, they’re saying something.  But I know I’m nosy in the kind of way where I go through people’s drawers (with their permission of course) *cough cough* to see if they anything they’d like to give to me.  They always do, they just don’t know it.  *Cough Grandmom cough.*

Anyway, the people’s drawers I go through have tons and tons of stuff worth borrowing (*cough taking cough*  apparently I have a sore throat, and a lot of secrets) so you should definitely visit those grandparents, cosmopolitans (for those who are too lazy to open another tab and Google big words, here’s a link), and pack-rats in your family because you love them/their stuff.  It’s like a thrift store with free stuff and cookies; what more do you need?

photo 1 For this outfit I had a little inspiration, which is weird (how do I get dressed without it?!?!?!  This must be answered!!!) I’m kind of channeling my inner Tavi Gevinson, bit by bit, because I’m not full out wearing a skirt, a lace slip, a doily, and a tee shirt, but I am wearing some pretty cool pins.

photo 2

The pins are all brooches except for the seashells, those are shoe clips I pinned on to make some sort of belt thing (it’s called reusing people!  I’m saving the planet).  But everything came from this fancy handmade wooden box my grandmom had hidden in her drawer.  I’ve made her promise to send me pictures of any more cool things she finds so I can pay her and she can ship them to me.

photo 4

These are the most denim-y looking shoes I own, they’re from Target on clearance for $5.98, and super cute.

photo 3

Shhhh…  I’m going to tell you a secret.  I don’t have on a shirt.  What?!?!? you say. Nope.  Nada.  I have on a jumper, I have a jumper!!! Haha viewers, I got ya!  Now bow down to the next Gloria Allred.

Oh, this skirt is old, either 1 or 2 years old, so haha!! you can’t get it anymore, unless I sell it.  The bids start at $20.  Once again send it to Wackytown, address it to the weirdest person there.


I-Need-to-Clutter-My-Room-and-Make-Crowns Kind of Way

I really can’t be bothered to get on the computer and write anything but this blog post (so be grateful peeps because you’re getting special treatment and exclusive stuff)  because 1) I am a lazy bum, and 2) I am the most uninspired person on the planet.  No no no, that is not true.  At the moment I am quite inspired in an I-want-to-be-just-like-you-and-do-everything-you-do-and-ahhhhh-I-need-to-clutter-my-room-and-make-crowns kind of way, and guys imagine all that in a really high fangirl voice.  Guess what my current inspiration is!?!?  No that’s wrong, who?  I will not demote my favorite person ever right now to an object.  Neither will you, stop thinking like that!  *evil stare*  So as you can see it might not be a good idea for me to be on the internet right now because I have lost my mind, and I might start an evolution or something like that.  Hahaha, like I would ever have the time or energy or effort to start an evolution.  See what I mean, I’ve gone crazy?!?!?!?  You must send your condolences to Wackytown, and address it to the weirdest person there.


Okay okay okay.  Now unless you’ve been living under a rock forever and ever (okay for 7 years, but that might as well be forever) you know who this is.  Now shame on you if you don’t *waggles finger* I am thoroughly disappointed in you.  But I guess I’m going to have to give you a crash course (because I want to watch her again, now be quiet and pay attention).

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Okay now you know why I am the world’s most inspired person ever.  Because well…  You can see why.

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I am now giving up my life as a not-technically-but-self-diagnosed-OCD-room decorator, and turning to the dark side.  The week I get home will be the week I clutter and organize (I know what I said, and NO, that is not an oxymoron) all the little trinkets I have, like snow globes and souvenirs and candies, and you get the point.


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<iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/bj9R2FszkSo?rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Oh, and if you were too lazy to read my intro paragraph, then poo on you, (kidding, kidding, but seriously read it) but otherwise, you’ll hear me again.  The week I get home and clutter/organize my room is the week I go to the craft store and buy hot glue sticks and junk, then head over to Target and buy a million headbands, then head to my basement and gather all my childhood toys so I can creep people out when they sit on my head all day and stare at you.  Mwahahaha!

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I’ve got a lot to do to prepare for my newfound life, and no, that does not involve 7th grade, or flute, or homework (but if you’re my parents, then it totally does).  I’ve got to get my Martha Stewart on, and clutter/organize, and creep people out in the market to prepare for school, and start a diary again.  You know so I can never finish it and then add it to the collection.


Then I’ve got to convince my parents to book me a day at Hotel Chelsea so I can steal the shampoo bottles (which are really up for grabs, so I’m not a thief after all, all you people who jumped to conclusions) and then off to the local store and buy about 10 bouquets, so my window looks like this.




Oh, and after that I’ve got to invent and build a working time machine so I can wear clothes like this.


Then I’ve got to discover a problem with media today, and create a new version just for teens.

OOTD: Wide Leg Trousers

On a day that began with me babysitting a little cousin who loves to sneak around the house and put toilet paper in the toilet then flush it, and ended with me eating a delicious ice cream bar covered in chocolate on a stick, I thought these wide-legged trousers would be perfect for my daily adventures.  Though I do think I got some strange looks from my sisters and cousins.  I am quite sorry for such a shortage a photos.  My sister-turned-photographer was quite ecstatic after the playground and couldn’t keep still long enough to take any non-blurry photos.

But that is why I need a tripod *wink wink* and a camera.  But thanks to the stress of packing I brought the charger and the not the actual camera itself.

The tribal patterns on a black background had me looking slightly like I came from a disco party, along with the assistance of the swishing of my pants.  And since the pants were so loud and dark, I added a bright, plain white t-shirt and a simple necklace in a neutral color.  To tie it all together I added some new sandals I got on clearance for about $6.00, so they were quite the deal.

photo 1

photo 3 photo 2 photo 4

 (Top: Old//Pants: T.J. Maxx//Shoes: Target//Necklace: Handmade by my Nan)